Cambridge Test3 Reading - 英檢

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-10-29T14:04

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請教一題Test3 第二篇

Paragraph 4:
Some drawbacks to this form of power generation have been noted. Perhaps the
biggest drawback at present is the high capital cost of initial construction
due mainly to the expense of the large pipeline used to pump water from 1,000
meters below the surface. Furthermore, the conversion of thermal to
electrical energy in the OTEC system works at very low efficiency, which
means that these plants will have to use a lot of water to generate practical
amounts for the power grid. For this reason, the net power output is reduced,
since a significant portion of the output must be used to pump water. There
are also potential ecological drawbacks, since the water discharges will
change the water temperature and disturb some marine habitats. This impact
could, however, be minimized if the water is discharged at greater depths.

There are also potential ecological drawbacks, since the water discharges
will change the water temperature and disturb some marine habitats.


A.Water outflow temperatures could upset local marine life.
B.Water discharges will disturb the ecology of the oceans.
C.The OTEC system has a tendency to upset marine environments
D.Outflows of water will affect the ocean temperature at great depths.


Q25 Summary題
A.The OTEC system can produce clean, renewable energy without harmful
environment effects.

A卻不是答案 @@

※ 編輯: tbrsun 來自: (10/29 14:20)
youbet:關鍵字 temperature 只有 A 有 10/29 14:18
tbrsun:感謝你的回答 明白了y 10/29 14:35
Brenner:B.ocean資訊未提 C.因果錯亂 10/29 14:36
tbrsun:感謝樓上回答 10/29 14:52
iamcow:Q25 A選項 不是指"沒有"有害 嗎?? 所以是錯的吧?? 10/30 03:05
tbrsun:沒有 有害=沒害 可是文章說有害耶..? 10/30 14:48
iamcow:所以他並不是答案對嗎@.@? 10/31 14:27
rangerx:我25也狂錯...A是答案 我覺得沒道理啊!! 11/12 11:33

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2010-10-31T06:21
關鍵字 temperature 只有 A 有
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-11-01T00:00
感謝你的回答 明白了y
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2010-11-05T07:14
B.ocean資訊未提 C.因果錯亂
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2010-11-08T10:40
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2010-11-09T23:00
Q25 A選項 不是指"沒有"有害 嗎?? 所以是錯的吧??
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2010-11-14T21:20
沒有 有害=沒害 可是文章說有害耶..?
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-11-15T12:14
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2010-11-16T12:48
我25也狂錯...A是答案 我覺得沒道理啊!!

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Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
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Hedda avatar
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at 2010-10-28T18:10
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