Advanced English Study Group - 桃園

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2014-04-10T09:25

Table of Contents

1. 自介:My name is Richie, NEW TOEIC 970

2. 對象:Advanced learners
3. 目標:Further strengthen 4 English skills & get to know more about culture

4. 原因:Discussions will be conducted all in English

5. 地點: 萊比錫咖啡 桃園市成功路2段17號
6. 時間:every Sunday 2~4 pm

7. 方式:

(1) We’ll have a main host and a backup host( in case the main host is
suddenly unavailable) for every week’s discussion.
The host needs to email the material to each member a week before our next
discussion. The material, such as a short novel, article, news clip, or
video, is all okay, but it should be short since we have limited time for
further discussions.
Besides, we go green, so the host doesn’t need to print out the material. If
necessary, members can print it out themselves.
(2) Members are entitled to study the assigned material before attending the
discussion. Everyone is encouraged to fully express their opinions.

8. 範圍:Anything could lead to meaningful discussions, unlimited

9. 人數限制:2~5 people, and TOEIC 855 up or equivalent is suggested since we are advanced

10.解散條件:Only one person stays

11.運作規則:The same as 7.
Be sure you have strong passion to upgrade your English. English conversation
skills are strongly required since all the discussions and materials will be
in English only.

Please contact me directly by PTT mail.
Please briefly introduce yourself and I’ll inform 4 people of our first

Tags: 桃園

All Comments

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2014-04-14T01:04
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2014-04-17T16:44
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2014-04-21T08:23
想去 !但英文沒這好 ,哭
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2014-04-25T00:03
Sent it already, but no reply sadly.

ptt [揪團] 桃園跑跑團 ←FB的社團

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2014-04-10T08:49
之前FB的 桃園跑跑團 因FB的濫設定 社團人數超過250人,若社團設定改成不公開或私密 無法再改回公開,因此就又重新弄了一個新社團 新社團都跟之前的一樣,只是變成公開方便讓新跑友加入 喜歡跑步的朋友歡迎加入,一起揪團團練及參加比賽 需登入FB才可看見 ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2014-04-10T02:11
※ [本文轉錄自 dog 看板 #1JHABWNk ] 作者: dickbbs (沒事多喝水) 看板: dog 標題: [拾尋] 黑色貴賓弟弟 時間: Wed Apr 9 09:31:10 2014 昨在平鎮山仔頂發現他 有藍色項圈 幫忙他找家 ...

三歲 超可愛 哈士奇認養 (轉po FB)

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2014-04-10T00:45
這是轉PO FB的!! 有想要養可愛哈士奇的朋友,可以考慮喔 跟FB的作者聯繫 ---------------------------------------- 這隻超可愛的哈哈在桃園迴龍流浪, 一位好心的小姐帶她就醫與洗香香, 目前讓她寄宿快樂獸醫院, 如果一直沒找到主人或有人領養的話, 她的經濟能力就 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-04-10T00:08
雖然常常經過,但今天才發現五福游泳池換老闆了!! 那之前的游泳票券是只能認賠了嗎?? 請問有沒有人知道該如何處理?? - ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2014-04-09T23:44
因朋友權限不足,代PO 因室友搬離,想找活潑開朗的女生一起分享生活及住宅空間。 (我就是那前室友~) 徵 求 者:余小姐 出租種類:套房 性 別:女 徵求地點:星光市(三房兩廳) 聯絡方式:站內信 預定租金:7000 坪數格局:一套公寓約30坪,套房約7-9坪,家具完善 隔間材質:水泥 其他要求:無 ...