7/11 iEnglish X 不要鬧工作室 - 自學

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2015-07-05T21:34

Table of Contents

※ [本文轉錄自 EngTalk 看板 #1LYMPXWE ]

作者: ianchang (I'm old Fashioned) 看板: EngTalk
標題: [台北] iEnglish Club X 不要鬧工作室
時間: Tue Jun 23 21:59:59 2015

※ [本文轉錄自 StudyGroup 看板 #1LYMOvUO ]

作者: ianchang (I'm old Fashioned) 看板: StudyGroup
標題: [學友] [台北] iEnglish Club X 不要鬧工作室
時間: Tue Jun 23 21:59:14 2015

Please sign up here:

1. 自介:

Hi! We're Taipei Interactive English Club, iEnglish Club. We're a non-profit
English discussion club in Taipei, and our gatherings take place each
Saturday afternoon at 人性空間 near the Gongguan MRT Exit 4.

http://www.ienglishclub.tw/ Sign up to receive weekly newsletter!
https://www.facebook.com/iEnglishClub Like the page and get notifications!

Gathering video:

2. 對象及目標:
Those who'd like to know more about Stop Kiddin' Studio and iEnglish Club.
Welcome to introduce yourself on iEnglish forum as a newcomer!

3. 原因:
You hear it everywhere that almost everyone loves Taiwan, but have you ever
heard a foreigners say that in person? Perhaps even more important, do you
ever know what they truly think of Taiwan?

If you don't know, this is where STOP KIDDIN' STUDIO comes in. Stop Kiddin'
Studio is a youtube channel that introduce Taiwan to the world through the
eyes of foreigners. Their youtube channel is filled with short videos of:

1) First times in Taiwan that locals take for granted.
2) Candid opinions about Taiwanese people and culture.
3) Wisdom about people's home country should we ever visit.

On 7/11, iEnglish is honored to have invited the leader of Stop Kiddin'
Studio, Johnny, to speak with us about "Why do I Want to Promote Taiwan?".
All scripts, outlines, and "official answers" are thrown out the window as he
believes in candid exchanges of idea.

4. 地點:
人性空間 4樓(台北市羅斯福路三段286巷4弄1號,捷運公館站4號出口)

5. 時間:
Saturday, July 11, 3:40pm - 5:15pm

6. 方式:
Please sign up here:

7. 運作規則:
14:30-15:20 Session I: Current Events Discussion (News)
15:20-15:30 Feedback I
15:30-15:40 Regrouping & Break
15:40-17:15 Speaker Session (Why Do I Want to Promote Taiwan?)
17:15-17:30 Closing (Welcome to have dinner with us!)

8. 範圍:
Session 1: Recent news
from BBC, NYTimes, TED, Focus Taiwan, etc.

9. 人數限制:
At most 50 people.



Tags: 自學

All Comments


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2015-07-04T02:02
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Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2015-07-02T16:49
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Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2015-07-02T13:39
印出你的3D新視界!從虛擬到實現,商機無線列印! 免費體驗營內容: 3D列印名為美國時代週刊and#34;十大成長最快工業and#34;! 未來製造業/生技業/服飾業...等八大產業必備職能! 個性化製造模式趨勢來臨,開啟全民創業時代風潮! 設計+建模+製作 2小時輕鬆上手! (公仔模型設計,產品造型設計 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2015-07-01T16:07
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By Brianna
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