5月6月字神點題作文高頻機經英文還原版! - 英檢

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-05-01T17:53

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托福五六月考生看過來哦!! 威廉老師分享點題作文高頻機經英文還原版!!


但是看完了很多老師提供的範文後第二次飆到27分 連自己都傻眼!!!




閱讀:把狼放回生態圈(local park還是forest)不好,缺點有三


二是,影響local economy,rancher抱怨自己的羊群被狼吃了啥的。

三是,local people害怕狼。



二是,local government給了那些rancher補助的,不會影響他們的收入和local economy



Reading: It is against the ideas of liberating wolves to the wild.

1. The ecosystem will be damaged; more wolves, more predators to this
life circle. For instance, the population of elks [w1] will largely be
brought down.

2. Wolves will hunt not just the animals in the forest, but also the
domesticated sheep[w2] which will affect tremendously the local economy.

3. Wolves are gregarious animals[w3] who hunt together for food. This
sounds scary to the local people who share the same neighborhood with them.

Listening: The content form the listening is in favor of returning wolves to
the forest.

1. It will not negatively affect the balanced ecosystem; on the contrary,
it will help the wholesomeness of it. The elks are increasing
exponentially[w4] and eating out too much grass in the forest affecting the
ecosystem since there are no many other big predators bring their numbers
down. With the wolf introducing back to the wild, it will reduce the number
of elks in the nature, making it more balanced.

2. The local economy will indeed be affected, yet the local government
subsidizes the local ranchers for such purpose. So their income source will
not be hurt too much.

3. People may complain about having such predators living around in the
neighborhood that can threaten lives. However, wolves are more afraid of
humans nearby. When humans are sighted, wolves howl to warn of other wolves
to be away.[w5]

Sample Writing: (利用威廉獨家模板 快速寫出聽力內文! 讓你在考試使用Cut and

Casting doubts on whether or not it is a rosy idea to bring back the wolves
to the wild, the speaker holds a perspective contrary to the reading passage.

The first point is about balanced ecosystem and it means that the
introduction of the wolves to the forest will make the ecosystem healthier
because it brings down the numbers of local elks that have overpopulated in
the region, causing damages to the ecosystem indeed. This is however
different from the passage, which holds that it eats out elks and will hurt
the ecosystem.

Another point is about the local economy. In other words, the speaker
contends that wolves do hurt the local economy in a way, but the government
has been given out subsidies to the ranchers for compensation and this will
not hurt their income source. Nonetheless, the reading passage considers
otherwise and says the sheep ranchers kept will be hunted and cause
tremendous economic loss.

The third point is regarding the fact that local people are afraid of such
predators existing close by and it signifies that, in fact, wolves are afraid
of human beings even more. So they will make sound to warn other wolves of
escaping from humans. This behavior will not be a threat to local people;
nevertheless, the reading says the howling of wolves scare people.

In summary, the speaker thinks that the introduction of wolves back to the
wild is a great idea. It will cause problems to the ecosystem as well as
human beings.


[w1]幫你解出中文JJ的疑惑-- “E”的動物






[w5]幫你把JJ不足的地方 找背景知識 擬出方向






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Tags: 英檢

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Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2013-05-01T17:36
留學部落格, 推薦大家! http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/go-abroad/ 歡迎參觀,討論! - ...

字神新托福5/11 小範圍JJ 包預測出爐!

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2013-05-01T16:35
同學們好:康老師新托福5/11 小範圍JJ 包預測出爐! 載點:http://ppt.cc/wQ0a 離5/11 只剩10來天的準備期, 4/20 考完後,已刪題,這次替大家更新上傳5/11 小範圍的JJ 包哦! 康康將JJ 機經分成兩個等級。同學請依順序閱讀: 榜首(一定要看):七套題 榜眼(優先 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-04-30T12:31
小弟我很幸運被哥大錄取了 但是因為我的托福成績不到標準的100分 而且還低於90 目前已經收到I-20 但想請問學長姐是不是不到標也可以直接入學 還是一定必須上他們的ALP呢? 因為學費時在太貴了我又不知道能不能在開學前考到100 所以想請問大家有沒有相關的訊息呢? 是不是能邊開學上正式課程邊修語言課程? 還 ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2013-04-30T10:21
這是Steven Spielberg大導正在拍的新片【Obama傳】 由三屆奧斯卡影帝同時也飾演【林肯】的 Daniel Day Lewis主演Obama 幫大家寫了稿子跟註解, 請大家拭目以待 聽一下電影系系主任Spielburg跟教授Obama談這部電影 臉書影片: http://tinyurl.co ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2013-04-30T09:50
如題,因為趴版看之前的都準時出分 都沒看到分數,也沒看到有人在說 所以想問一下 希望大家都能破百 但今晨等到四點多才睡 - ...