5/28在台北美加考場的 - 英檢

Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2011-05-29T15:44

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My name is ___. My registration number is ___. I took the TOEFL_ibt test on
May 28th in Merica Group, Taipei, Taiwan. However, there was a power outage
during the test. None of us could finish our tests that day.

I am not blaming ETS and Prometric test center for the power outrage. But I
do want to complain about ETS and Prometric test center’s inability to deal
with the problem and to minimize the chance of this happening. Their
negligence caused serious economical and other damages to all the test
takers. My humble request is that ETS and Prometric test center open a new
test for affected test takers in the nearest date, as soon as possible.Together
with other test takers, I am considering take legal actions in order to claim
our damages resulting from reschedule if ETS and Prometric test center cannot
give us a satisfying solution as to our reschedule dates.

(1.)Our complaint : What makes me really dissatisfied is how ETS and
Prometric test center respond to this problem. There was no one to handle the
problem immediately. The staff at the test center there said that reschedule
and the possibility of resuming the test have to be decided by ETS and
Prometric test center. And ETS Asia said that they do not have the
authorities to determine this, and all have to wait ETS United States, which
are OFF in weekend. So the staff in “Certified” Test Administration Sites,
Prometric test center, and ETS simply shirk responsibilities and the problem
remained unresolved in all these bureaucracies. The fact that ETS and
Prometric test center put all of the TOEFL_ibt tests on weekends, and that
there no one in ETS to deal with this kind of emergencies on the weekends,
indicate ETS’s inability to solve problems happening during tests.

Also, this incidence seems to indicate that there are problems with their
qualification criteria of the so-called "Certified” Test Administration
Site. It is doubtful whether they really take the stability of power supply
as a part of the qualification criteria. If they do not, then this shows that
the qualification criteria are simply inadequate. Even if they do, this power
shortage incidence still indicates that ETS and Prometric test center cannot
make sure that their "Certified” Test Administration Sites indeed meet the
qualification criteria.

(2.)Our claim : The negligence of ETS and Prometric test center (including 1.
their inability to respond to and deal with emergencies during test, and 2.
problems of the criteria of “Certified” Test Administration Site and their
implementation,) negatively affected all test takers. We cannot resume our test
on the same day, nor could we reschedule our test to the next day
immediately. We have to wait ETS to call us until the next week. However, by
then it would be all too late. Even if we could reschedule the test, some of
us still would not meet our graduate requirements and graduate in time, some
lose their potential jobs, and some could not apply to our school in time.

As a test taker greatly damaged by the negligence of ETS and Prometric test
center, my humble request is that ETS and Prometric test center open a whole
new test for affected test takers in the nearest date, as soon as possible,
since (a.) some test takers can ONLY take test on this weekend or recently,
and the reschedule to a much later date would cause serious economical and
other damages to them, and (b.) many of the designated dates and test centers
have already been registered by others, and (c.) there are few test days in
June and July. If ETS and Prometric test center cannot give us a satisfying
solution as to our reschedule dates, then legal actions might be taken in
order to claim our damages that result from reschedule.

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-05-29T20:25
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-06-02T08:25

補習班選擇交戰中 (已爬文)

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2011-05-29T08:40
我是剛剛邁入社會的大學新鮮人 上週剛剛考完畢業考 XD 夠鮮了吧~ ~ 現在閑閑在家想要準備托福考試明年出國去 先說,我三年前就考過托福,當時考了80初 不過現在成績時效已過,要重新準備啦  目標訂在近百,能破百當然是最好啦 XD …….. 祈求上天保佑~ ~ 目前鎖定兩家補習班 板上都是好口碑,也都有好 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2011-05-29T02:28
小弟由於五月十四的考試 口說的部分ETS說讀不出來 我也只能認栽 打算報七月底的考試 因為熟悉的考場只有美加跟公館地球村 剛剛看了一下 沒有顯是公館地球村的考場 是因為現在太早還是已經沒有空位了? 因為我真的不想再去美加考了 考到我沒成績要重考.... 加上前幾天美加停電 害我更不敢去了 所以想請問一下考七月 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-05-29T01:46
如題 我還沒有要考托福的打算 但是聽說她在字神教的蠻不錯的 所以只想單純提升口說能力的話 去上lena老師的課如何呢?? 謝謝:) - ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2011-05-29T01:01
如題, 請北美的好心大大分享一下5/28考題, 感恩,謝謝~~~~ - ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-05-29T00:14
大家好: 我是[GRE與托福學術英文字彙精進]的主揪 之前為了讀書會有準備一些單字複習的隨堂考卷 想與大家分享: 共9回,全部都附有答案 ------------------------------------------ 網址: http://leeoxygen.wordpress.com/ --- ...