4/8 Reims Management School線上招生座 … - 英檢

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2010-04-04T20:20

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作者: ggmmla (ggmmla) 看板: studyabroad
標題: [情報]4/8 Reims Management School線上招生座談會
時間: Sun Apr 4 20:19:11 2010



1928年創立的Reims Management School 是法國六大頂尖學府之一,位於巴黎近郊香檳區,與全球百餘家商學院有密切合作夥伴關係,近年來新增奢侈品,紅酒與旅館業為主修項目,由於地利之便,RMS與相關產業的緊密連結與強大的校友網絡讓許多人趨之若鶩。希望各位能藉此次機會與我們一同更加了解RMS!

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Study English while living in France--Reims MBA and Master programmes

Reims Management School

Founded in 1928, EQUIS & AMBA accredited, Reims Management School is one of the 6 top-ranking French "Grandes Ecoles", located in the famous Champagne region, near Paris. The School's twin campuses are home to 3600 students of whom 900 are overseas students. The School offers different programmes from undergraduate to postgraduate; has over 130 partnerships with foreign universities or business schools and has a network of 24,000 alumni in 95 countries. Reims Management School strong alumni network, RMS
network (http://www.RMS-network.com), has chapters in 40 counties. Reims MS maintains a close relationship with numerous enterprises.

Geographically, A TGV East Line connects you to Capital, Paris, in 45 minutes since June 2007 and the nearby countries: Reasonable living cost but enjoys the advantages of living close to Paris

贯 Ranked as top 6 in France (January 2008, New Economist)
贯 Top 26 European business schools by London Financial Times (2008)

The International MBA :
贯 a 10-month programme optional internship of 6 months in France or abroad.
贯 exchange programmes with international partners (UK, Mexico, USA, China, Taiwan and South Africa and Spain)
贯 courses in English and the intake 2008/2009 is made up of 83% international participants, 39% European students, 18 nationalities and 6 years of professional experience on average.
贯 New concentration in Luxury Field: focus on wine and hospitality in addition to concentrations in Finance, Marketing, Management, Strategy, a new concentration
贯 Business Plan + personal career development

Admission requirements: bachelor degree, min 3 years of professional experience and English proficiency or equivalent.

Tuition Fee: 21, 000 Euro
Living expenses: 600 to 800 Euro/ per month
Total budget estimate: 27,000 Euro/ 10 months long programme

Course content: http://www.mba-rms.com/en/programme-en.html

PROGRAMME: MSc finance and Commercial banking
A 12-month programme aims to equip our participants with professional standard and ethical behaviour participants in either finance or commercial banking industry.

The course content includes of total 405 learning hours including academic study, study tour and thesis.

Certificate Programmes: For the participants who would like to focus on either one of the special field. We also provide the following 2 certificates’ programme, we do also provide short term certificate programmes:
Certificate Programme in Finance
http://www.reims-ms.fr/share/docs/maste ... nce-en.pdf

Certificate Programme in Commercial Banking:
http://www.reims-ms.fr/share/docs/maste ... bkg-en.pdf
Tuition fee: 6000€

The specialities of the MSc in Finance and Commercial Banking programme
- 4 major promises: Academic Excellence, Business Relevance, Cultural Enrichment and Ethics Deeping
- Courses taught in English and focus on concentrations both finance and commercial Banking.
- Programme design includes both the preparation of CFA level 1 and the cooperation with partners in the commercial banks.
- Elective programmes in ethics behavious, cross-cultural management, personal leadership development

Admission Requirements:
- Candidates with bachelor degree in business related field; engineering; science; mathematics and law.
- English proficiency (TOEFL/TOEIC/ IELTS)
- Master of Science application form
- The motivation interview either on campus or at long distance

Tuition Fees: 13500 euros (intake 2010)

Course content
http://www.reims-ms.fr/share/docs/maste ... ng-fcb.pdf

Contact details:

Hsin-mei TURMEL
Email: [email protected]
Phone:+33 3 26 77 47 58
Address: 59 Rue Pierre Taittinger,
BP 302, Reims 51061

Tags: 英檢

All Comments


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-04-04T12:12
最近在選托福ibt補習班 已經徹底爬文完畢 想請問好心的各位 有沒有人補過登峰,真得推薦嗎? 因為昨天去登峰視聽VOD,托福這幾門課並不是每個老師上起課來都能夠讓學生有種 知識爆炸的感覺,也就是有些老師上課看起來不怎麼起勁,步調有點慢,也會閒扯, 不知道是不是在其他補習班遇到的老師也可能會有這種情況? 我一 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2010-04-04T09:47
前陣子在找補習班, 看到很多人都推XX,也就去了. 櫃台小姐非常的親切,一直主動介紹課程, 且說若是插班同學,第一堂有錄影帶可以補課! 基於學費便宜且聽說跟閱讀的老師很不錯, 就報名囉. 過了幾天要去補閱讀的第一堂課, 在櫃台循問半天,結果竟然是第一堂課錄錯課本(因為課本有分甲版及乙版),所以沒錄到! 要我 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2010-04-04T01:33
我也認為GEPT真的被低估了 我GEPT高中的時候去考的有過中高級 大一去考高級有過初試,復試衝到期中考就沒去考 但是初試我就覺得有一定的難度,有遇到蠻多題目真的沒什麼把握 TOEFL的話我 IBT 116, R30 L30 S29 W27 比起GEPT的高級我還覺得算簡單 (當然有可能隔了四年再加 ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-04-04T00:08
想請問一下 以下兩個句子 查過資料但還看不出個所以然... 麻煩版上的高手幫我解答 The and#39;and#39;manufacture and productionand#39;and#39; of steel was one of the industries on which ...

欲加發 卻查不到考試成績紀錄??

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2010-04-03T21:54
想請問一下 是不是改過帳號後 原有成績(用舊帳號報名的) 是不會被存取到新的帳號資料中?? ------ 我是一年半前考過一次 當時用的是舊帳號 但一年多過去了 我原本想再考一次 就申請過新帳號 但最後因為一些原因沒有去考 所以現在必須用就成績加發 用新的帳號但卻找不到成績紀錄andg ...