3月托福最新閱讀機經單字題總整理 - 英檢

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2018-04-21T13:33

Table of Contents

版友好,我是字神康康老師 :)

也在這邊要祝大家備考順利!! 托福破百,留學圓夢!!

閱讀文章標題:Eli Terry's Clock

painstakingly = with great effort
precise = accurate
his imitator = the people who copied him

閱讀文章標題:Homer and Oral Poetry

culmination = high point
controversy = disagreement
anonymous = unidentified
exhibit = display

閱讀文章標題:Newspapers in Western Europe

exercise = apply
emergence = rise
tactic = strategy
thus = consequently

閱讀文章標題:Economic Decline in Europe during the 14th Century

striking = noteworthy
considerably = significantly
account for = explain

閱讀文章標題:Earth's Atmosphere

constituent = component
gradual = slow
predominate = are in the majority
diffuse = spread

閱讀文章標題:Early Modern Industrialization

determinants = causes
hastened = rushed
diffusion = spread
perfected = completed

閱讀文章標題:The Sentinel Behavior of Meerkats

contains = includes
refine = improve
furthermore = in addition
approaches = comes close

閱讀文章標題:The Megafauna Extinction

devastating = extremely destructive
pointed out = stated
favored = preferred

閱讀文章標題:The Greek Revival

sentimental = emotional
assimilated = absorbed
eventually = at a later time

閱讀文章標題:Can Io and Europa Support Life?

proximity = closeness
intense = strong
pierced = broke through

閱讀文章標題:Southwest Agriculture

eventually = in the end
initially = first
adjacent = neighboring
dependable = reliable

閱讀文章標題:The Milankovitch Hypothesis

slightly = by very small amounts
skepticism = doubt
irritating = annoying
renewed = restored

閱讀文章標題:Individual Performance and the Presence of Others

enhance = improve
peculiar to = unique to
exert = put forth

閱讀文章標題:Honeybee Society

expelled from = left by
prompted = stimulated
explicit = clearly expressed
imply = suggest

閱讀文章標題:Methane and the PETM

dramatically = significantly
triggering = starting
simultaneously = at the same time
magnitude = extent

閱讀文章標題:Butterfly Wing Patterns and Predator Defense

virtually = almost completely
startled = surprised
disrupt = disturb
rudimentary = simple


TOEFL學習團:http://bit.ly/29SZbaN (歡迎一起加入,收集最新情報!)

Tags: 英檢

All Comments


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2018-04-21T10:08
優惠方案: 5~7人每人折1000 團報人數: 希望徵2人 聯絡方式: 站內信告知中文姓名/報名方案/電話 期限:徵滿為止 - ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2018-04-20T19:08
其實從2018第一季開始,托福主題就變得非常好猜,而且重複率非常頻繁 以下為TOEFL考生們整理出精闢的分析與預測 托福聽力高頻主題:掌握出題邏輯是高分關鍵 3月份的conversation中還是以「Office hour的學生與教授」對話為主 包含學科還有作業該怎麼寫以及常見的與成績相關的討論 ...

一戰90 感謝SK2讓我通過交換門檻

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-04-20T17:38
[求學背景]臺北市立大學 社會暨公共事務學系大三 [應考日期andamp;成績]2018/03/24 第一戰 90分 [各科分數]R22 L28(加試) S19(FLF) W21(FF) [英文能力敘述]高三多益735分 [考試身分]學生 [考場地點]板橋地球村 [準備時間]2018年2月至3月 共兩個月 [ ...

SK2 口說第四題示範筆記+回答影片

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-04-20T17:31
大家好,我是SK2 的口說顧問David (iBT 118, S30/W30) 上次分享了我做「口說第六題」的實時影片,今天,我又錄了一部「口說第四題」的影片 ,歡迎已經開始準備的同學,看看影片複習。 如果你是近期要考試、還沒準備口說的新同學,也可以看影片抱佛腳。然而,你應該下定 決心,盡快開始認真備戰托 ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2018-04-19T20:12
原PO無帳號,此篇為代PO 原文連結: http://bit.ly/2J9hEfL 歡迎同學加入送佛計畫臉書社團唷~~~ https://goo.gl/BnPsX2 ------------------------------我是分隔線--------------------------------- ...