3/9 19:00 Toastmasters - 台北中山區

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2016-03-07T21:03

Table of Contents

Hi everyone,

Toastmasters is a nonprofit educational organization that operates clubs world
wide for the purpose of helping members improve their communication, publicspe
aking, and leadership skills. Toastmasters offers a program of communication a
nd leadership projects designed to help people learn the arts of speaking, lis
tening, and thinking.

If you are seeking a good education program to enhance the ability of communic
ation and leadership, please join us. It would be our honor to see you in our

Please find our club information below.

Fee: Free for guest!
Time: 19:00 - 21:00, Mar. 9
Place: 9F., No. 37, Jihu Rd, Neihu District, Taipei City, 114

Best wishes,


All Comments


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-03-07T14:44
如標題,有板友可以推薦的洗車打臘的店家嗎。之前會跑去光華商場旁的晶鑽。但是店家 愛最近收了。 - ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2016-03-06T13:37
因住家(稻江護家)附近的自助洗衣店都沒寵物專用機, 手洗寵物睡墊洗到有點手抖, 想請問有沒有人看過中山區哪間自助洗衣店是有寵物專用洗烘衣機的~ 網路上只查到內湖區跟中永和的洗衣店,有點遠Q_Q 感謝感謝! - ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2016-03-05T23:42
各位版友好 想問一下中山國小靠近新生北路這一塊有沒有影印輸出店啊? 爬了文好像只有行天宮那邊有~~ 請問有人知道這附近有沒有嗎? 走過去實在要一段距離Orz -- → GoHomeAS:9個字的文章要修兩次 敢問在下是低能兒嗎?06/29 00:22 推 weigod:二樓問自己是不是低能兒可見真的 ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2016-03-05T16:07
各位版友好, 因為最近身體不好,常常破病,想買滴雞精來強身健體 搜來搜去最便宜就是金牌大師12盒8400元,一盒十包,每包60ml 我喝完好幾盒金牌大師了,我也喝過南門市場逸湘齋的 其實逸湘齋的好喝一點點,但CP值來說,金牌大師實在太便宜了 所以後來還是都喝金牌大師。 我自己只想買四盒,希望有其他版友能 ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2016-03-05T03:57
一直想找錦州街靠復興北路的店面 可是一直都不知道要跟誰聯繫? 當地的房仲嗎? 可是當地的房仲也說不清楚哩 不知道強大的中山區朋友 有沒有人有認識的呢 或者有什麼樣的方法可以找到 謝謝! - ...