3/22,23 SK2 口說一二題審題、錄音檔分享 - 英檢

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2014-03-23T00:00

Table of Contents

※ 引述《earnest (大衛)》之銘言:
: 這裡可下載示範答案(錄音檔),搭配一起聽~
: 錄音檔一~九題:
: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/c5kd98381mx4oft/r-p5Z7IPr5
: * * * * * * * * *

各位同學大家好~David 今天去考試了,今天有兩套題,




1. Which of the following characteristics is the most important
for a student to be successful? Self-motivating, hard-working,
intelligent. 20071117NA

切記,切題要回答for a student “to be successful!”



2. Agree or disagree: Musicians and artists are important to the
society. 20101017CN

“important” to the society!



3. 20071117NA機精題

David 的擬答錄音檔:http://ppt.cc/J5YY


the change: a student proposes to close the campus coffee house

reason 1: it’s not a good place to meet people, because it’s
usually empty

reason 2: the lighting condition is poor


disagree, thinks its not a good idea

example 1: students are busy in the day time, because they have to
go to classes, work, and study. But at night, they usually would
come, read, or hang out with their friends in the coffee house.

example 2: it was renovated, and the lighting condition improved.
The lighting condition is now almost as good as the library.Each
table is now able to get enough light, too.

4. 20101017CN

David 的擬答錄音檔:http://ppt.cc/BGRs


term: Method of loci

definition: a technique used to memorize information in a specific


example: to memorize the planets in our solar system in the
order of their distance from the sun, you can first come up with
an equal number of easy-to-remember locations or stops, when
walking from your dorm to the classroom. So, the first location
you’re at, is inside the dorm; that would be the sun. Next, you
are at the door of the dorm; the second planet, mercury. Then, you
might see a tree right outside of the dorm; that’s the venus.
Then you might arrive at a statue in front of the library; the
earth, so on and so on. What you do is you simply match the
locations or stops with the names of the planets, in a sequence.
Therefore, when you go to the test, simply try to recall the
locations in order, then you can easily remember the planets in
the order, too.

5. 20071117NA

David 的擬答錄音檔:http://ppt.cc/sctU


problem: (Sarah) the project she’s directing for a film class is
due in 2 days; its final scene is supposed to be shot on a sunny
day, but it’s raining recently, so she can’t shoot it outside.

solution one: rewrite the play, change the script so that the
shooting is done indoors

(O) can do it today, no need to wait
(X) the script has a happy ending, and a sunny outdoor scene would
echo with the happy ending

solution two: shoot the film tomorrow instead

(O) the sun will come out, so she can go with her original script
and can keep the same happy ending
(X) it’s too much of a hurry; she wouldn’t have enough time to
review it, and go through all the little things that may come up

6. 20101017CN

David 的擬答錄音檔:http://ppt.cc/aMWn


topic: the two benefits of fish that is able to produce

first benefit: it can capture prey and obtain food easily

example: electric eel
explanation: when the electric eel comes into contact with a prey,
it would produce electricity to shock the pretty. Then, the prey
would paralyze and cannot get away. So, the eel can eat it at its
leisure. Electricity therefore ensures that it can always capture
its prey easily.

second benefit: it can help the fish navigate and avoid danger

example: knife fish, has poor vision
explanation: knife fish generates an electric field around its
body. So, when it’s swimming, if there’s a big stone near by,
the field would sense disturbance. Then, the knife fish can know,
and would swim away, thus can avoid crashing into it.




~SK2 David


SK2 David. iBT 118, R29/L29/S30/W30

SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. http://SK2toefl.blogspot.com

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2014-03-26T13:16
omg !!! 快來檢討!!!thanks
John avatar
By John
at 2014-03-27T22:46
推~ 希望考題命中
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2014-03-31T22:33
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2014-04-05T10:08


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2014-03-22T14:43
【03/22同學回報:口說/寫作完全命中~太感動了!】 助教正在整理明日小範圍題目,晚點有公布會再補上喲! 或是可以至:http://goo.gl/5E7Vc0 隨時追蹤最新資訊 -----03/22 機經回報(將不定時更新)------------------------------------ 謝 ...


Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2014-03-22T12:56
真的很緊急 小弟明天考試 今天才發現護照過期...實在太大意了 聽說可以到學校蓋章用在學證明代替 但今天是星期六...學校註冊組都沒上班啊 請問還有任何補救辦法嗎? - ...

送佛計畫3/22 23口說1&2題,獨立寫作分享

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2014-03-21T20:53
各位同學好,針對3/22以及3/23的的口說1&2題,獨立寫作 送佛計劃幫大家整理了擬答以及錄音檔,請上送佛計畫社團的檔案區下載唷!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/592346577485162/ 建議大家考試前多開口,多打鍵盤練習 口說和寫作,不會用and#34;看an ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-03-21T19:46
兩位老師各有特色, Lena老師上課約有90%是以英文來授課,希望能朔造一個全英文的環境給同學; 高原老師上課風格則是蠻美式, 課堂中會教同學如何把中文思考轉換成美式思考。 口說部分屬較個人化學習,所以助教建議利用字神的免費試聽, 看哪位老師的上課風格、表達方式比較適合自己唷~ 另外,兩位老師上課都會提供 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2014-03-21T18:37
預約報名網址:http://www.merica.com.tw/event/topic20140330 不少正準備托福考試的同學反應說,就算將長篇文章從頭到尾仔細詳讀, 也難以讀懂文章表達的重點,因而影響作答效率,不得不一戰再戰。 美加蔡睿老師為了幫助同學在有效時間內迅速做答, 特別開設3小時托福免 ...