3/18 Speaking&Writing - 英檢

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2012-03-18T17:49

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※ 引述《iverson52000 (Albert Hsu)》之銘言:
: 趁還記得的時候趕快寫下來 最實用的應該是口說一二題跟寫作其他部分寫完就忘光光了XD
: 其他請強者補充~
: S1: Describe one most useful way(thing) you use the internet.
: S2: People live more healthier life styles nowdays than 100 years ago.

S3:Student Center外的Posters要被移除,學生以後no longer promitted貼在這
以後只能貼在Dining Hall的Bulliton
女學生Disagree about this new polisy.
->不是所有人吃飯都會在Dining Hall, some eat in the campus or take out
所以很多人won't receive announcement anymore.

都會recall terrible smell而遠離skunk

S5:Man's cousin will visit him in order to know about campus life etc...
However, he has a film discussion on that day.
Solution 1: the woman can talk and accompany with his cousin
Solution 2: His cousin is shy, maybe he should skip the discussion
and introduce the school by himself.
But the discussion is really interesting.

S6:主題討論關於過去的記憶,the professor use two examples to illustrate.
1.music concert.如果對於音樂不熟悉,將會無法記得details
假使familiar with music for many years的人則相反
2.hundreds of students.我們通常只會記得especially tall or intelligent

W1: There has a shortage of Primary Care field doctors in the States
Reason 1: 學費太貴+薪水低 => 有一個新的program幫助他們,利率比loan還低
Reason 2: 工作太忙壓力大 => 專業護士可以幫他們,譬如 drog prescription
Reason 3: 工作機會postion少=> 每年都有提供住院醫師職缺,vacancy很多

: W2: There is never a good reason to be impolite(rude) to other people.
: 我寫的可能跟真正的題目不完全一樣 不過意思是差不多的
: 另外這次比較特別的是有一篇閱讀附了一張圖 W1聽力部分也有出現一段文字
: 大家可以練習看看~

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-03-19T08:26
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2012-03-21T10:46
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-03-25T01:04
推~超完整的 我考完就忘記了@@


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2012-03-18T16:14
有本書寫得不錯 全方位超強文法(最新增訂版) (知英出版社) 你可以參考看看 - ...

3/18 Speaking&Writing

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2012-03-18T15:13
趁還記得的時候趕快寫下來 最實用的應該是口說一二題跟寫作其他部分寫完就忘光光了XD 其他請強者補充~ S1: Describe one most useful way(thing) you use the internet. S2: People live more healthier life sty ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2012-03-17T23:58
小弟 很久遠以前 學測15 指考88 不過四年不知道敗到剩多少 典型台灣英文學生 聽力不是很好 但沒很差 講太快我就會pardon pardon~ 口說也不是很好 聊天可以 retelling會咬到舌頭 想要今年準備一下TOEFL 因為是想到日本留學還要考其他東西 所以想要問一下我這樣大概準備到 ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2012-03-17T23:04
請問有人最近到板橋地球村考試的經驗嗎? 爬文和精華區內的分享 幾乎都是去年的文章 不知道有沒有人今年去那邊考試? 考場到底該選A還是B好....冏! - ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2012-03-17T22:55
TPO23andamp;24 之前連結的網址好像都失效了, google找到的資料也好像有點怪怪的= =|| 請問有好心人願意分享嗎? 非常感謝!!! -- - ...