2019口說審題想點 by J2 - 英檢

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2020-01-26T23:04

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各位同學好,我是J2. 初二跟大家拜個晚年,並分享一下去年的一些口說題目審題想點,

1. Some people like to play card games and board games. Others like to play vi
deo games or computer games. Which do you prefer and why? 0413

I want to make more friends/ interact with more ppl
Choose: card games and board games
Explain: When play card and board games, usually involve at least 5 or 6 ppl;
computer games even online games not interact in person

2. When facing difficulties, some people choose to keep their senses of humor,
but others may take the problems seriously. Which do you prefer and why? 0526

I want to solve the difficulties smoothly
Choose: keep sense of humor
Explain: usually when keeping sense of humor, we can solve the difficulties mo
re smoothly. Makes you relax and may come up with a better solution

3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents of universit
y students should not be allowed to have access to the students' grades withou
t the their children’s permission. 0223

Students care about self-esteem
Choose: agree
Explain: if parents see students’ grades without permission, students will lo
se their self-esteem.

每週二13:00-17:00的「陪你讀時間」過來SK2 13樓教室找我或是Vivian顧問幫你聽,並




Tags: 英檢

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Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2020-01-25T00:26
我考過兩次托福,分別考了84分和87分,今年還準備再考 一次,目標準備沖100分,希望板上有與我程度接近的朋友 聯系我,我們可以共同討論進步 有興趣者請寫信至:mianlai.researchatgmail.com 謝謝 - ...

SK2 VVN: 聽力筆記要訣,不藏私傳授給你

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2020-01-24T15:24
聽力筆記要訣,不藏私傳授給你 大家好,我是SK2 TOEFL實力養成班顧問Vivian, 祝板友們新年快樂! 開始接觸托福Lecture聽力的同學,最常會遇到的問題之一是 「嘗試寫筆記時,會聽不到接下來的內容」。 因此在這邊整理幾個聽力筆記練習要點, 同學可用此check list逐一檢查筆記,讓筆記成為 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2020-01-24T11:45
1. 哈佛補習班聽說讀寫講義筆記全套 (可分開索取) 美加托福模考 講義 2.Barronand#39;s 聽說讀寫 3.Longman 聽說讀寫(英文版) 4.Longman 聽說讀寫中文版分四本 5.iBT托福寫作勝出 6.高分托福聽力120 知音 7.iBT托福寫作185篇 CBT托福 ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2020-01-22T22:49
大家好, 新年快樂!我是SK2的Rosa,同學常常會覺得念托福時,不熟悉的主題很 難, 因為不知道接下來會怎麼發展,導致常常做題目時,答題率會不穩定。 而考試時,最害怕在聽力或是閱讀遇到不熟悉的主題了。 在閱讀遇到的時候,很容易做超時,而聽力遇到時,也會很容易整個爆掉, ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2020-01-22T20:44
托福聽力免費公開課~送佛帶你衝刺達標 Hi 各位同學大家好 我是送佛小編 有準備過托福的同學都應該知道, 聽力在托福考試佔很高的比重, 聽力好不好,成為是否能考取高分的重要關鍵。 但,聽力到底該如何短時間內抓到重點衝高分呢? 托福女王 送佛Joyce老師的聽力課你絕對不能錯過。 更多聽力疑難雜症解析 ...