2015年上半年托福閱讀單字題大全 - 英檢

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2015-06-28T19:42

Table of Contents





《史上最全2015年上半年(1-6月) 托福閱讀單字題大全》

01-10 Artisans in Sixteenth-Century Europe
besides in addition to
preoccupation concern
coupled with combined with
autonomy independence

01-10 Disease and History
dispersed scattered
deficiencies shortages
emerging appearing

01-10 Earth's Atmosphere
constituent component
gradual slow
predominate are in the majority
diffuse spread

01-11 Birdsong
pioneering original
distinct separate
enabling allowing
restricted limited

01-11 The Role of Diapause
severity harshness
congregate gather
consequently as a result
comprise consist of

01-11 The Plow and the Horse in Medieval Europe
stagnation lack of growth
sustained continued
implications consequences
exclusively solely

01-25 The Origins of Plant and Animal Domestication
monumental enormous
manipulated skillfully used
pursue practice
subsistence survival

01-25 Early life-forms and Earth's Atmosphere
altered transformed
emitted released
retarding slowing
abundant plentiful
sustain support

01-25 Preventing Overgrowth among Tree Branches
being a drain on the tree wasting a tree's resources
exposed unprotected
with no warning without any indication beforehand
congestion overcrowding

01-31 Effects of the Commercial Revolution
pioneered introduced
subsequent later
comprised consisted of
enhanced improved
reinforce strengthen

01-31 European Context of the Scientific Revolution
profound intense
obsolete out of date
obscure little known
associates connects

01-31 Earth's Energy Cycle
encompasses includes
stationary unmoving
hence therefore
irreversible permanent

02-01 Greek Sacred Groves and Parks
pondered thought about
fundamental basic
mandated required
promoted encouraged

02-01 The Chaco Phenomenon
signifying indicating
ceased stopped
dispersed scattered
function purpose

02-01 Dinosaurs and Parental Care
alleged supposed
controversial debatable
inconclusive not decisive

03-07 Colonial America and the Navigation Acts
swift fast
significant considerable
modest relatively small
consequently therefore

03-07 Mass Production: Method and Impact
component part
remarkable extraordinary
confined to limited to
relentless unceasing

03-07 Art and Culture of Pacific Northwest Communities
diffusion spread
autonomous independent
obligated required

03-14 The First Eyes
aggregations groups
little short of miraculous amazing because almost impossible
designation identification
lateral side

03-14 The Origin of Earth's Atmosphere
coalesced joined
chaotic disorganized
retains preserves
constant continual
emitted released

03-14 The Emergence of Civilization
durable existing for a long time without significant
defining identifying
domestic household

03-28 Stream Deposits
curious strange
accumulate build up
simultaneously at the same time
abruptly suddenly

03-28 Natufian Culture
attest to provide evidence of
be deficient in not have enough
preservative something that keeps food fresh
reflects indicates
ties connections

03-28 Early Food Production in Sub-Saharan Africa
modest small
severely very seriously
exploiting making use of
readily easily

04-12 Agricultural Change in Eighteen-Century Japan
In essence Basically/Actually
feasible practical
scale size
advocated promoted
fostered encouraged

04-12 Origin of the Solar System
frigid cold
detected discovered
extensive large
accounts for explains
ties connections

04-12 Plant and Animal Life of the Pacific Islands
remnants remainders
remote isolated
cited mentioned

04-18 Historical Trends in European Urban Design
regimes governments
a surge of a sudden increase in
synthesizing combining
elevated raised

04-18 Origins of the Megaliths
collective group
erecting constructing
consequent resulting
reinforces supports

04-18 Sociality in Animals
devastate destroy
simultaneously at the same time
unintentional unplanned
alternate take turns at

05-09 Water Supply in Venice
henceforth from this time on
obliged forced
launched started
ensure guarantee

05-09 Reconstructing Ancient Environments
constituents components
excavated dug from the ground
characteristic typical
alteration modification

05-09 Vocalization in Frogs
incited stimulated
in reference to whine calls to like whine-chuck calls more than whine
substantial considerable
outweighs exceeds

05-16 Determining the Ages of the Planets and the Universe
inevitable certain
accordingly correspondingly
cluster group
enormous huge

05-16 Costs and Benefits of Dispersal
Presumably It is reasonable to assume
pertinent relevant
subdue defeat
coincides with occurs at the same time as

05-16 The Multiplier Effect
justify provide a rational basis for
promoted encouraged
several simultaneous developments developments that occurred at the same time
hierarchical having several levels of authority

05-24 The Geographical Distribution of Gliding Animals
scattered widely separated
speculates puts forward as a possibility
tremendous enormous

05-24 Saving Soil and Cropland
hence therefore
implement put into effect
particularly especially
scarce short in supply

05-24 The Role of the Ocean in Controlling Climate
principally mainly
controversial producing disagreement
induce causing the formation of
fuels provides energy for

05-30 Live Performance
distinction difference
rapport bond
thrill excitement
vitality energy

05-30 Thermal Stratification
ultimately eventually
virtually nearly
suspended floating
replenished restored
dramatic striking

05-30 Earthquake Prediction
specified typical
focused concentrated
imminent about to happen
refinement improvement

06-13 Removing Dams
obsolete out of date
suitable appropriate
ambitious impressive but difficult to achieve
take precedence over have greater importance than

06-13 Gondwana
enduring lasting
prevailing generally accepted
incredible impossible to believe

06-13 Olmec Art
surplus excess quantity
exhibits displays
embody incorporate

06-14 Mesopotamian and Egyptian Settlement Patterns
remnants remains
exotic foreign
dominate control
take precedence over have greater importance than

06-14 Early Modern Industrialization
determinants causes
hastened rushed
diffusion spread
perfected completed

06-14 Extinctions at the End of the Cretaceous
recognized accepted
simultaneously at the same time
dismissed dismissed
elevated high

06-27 Sea Life Adaptations in the Deep Ocean
perceive see
scattered spread apart
presumably probably

06-27 Economic Prosperity in the Roman Augustan Age
stimulated encouraged
surplus excess
lucrative profitable
elaborate complex

06-27 Lighting in Museum
fluctuations variations
maintained claimed
merely only
dramatic powerful
fulfills achieves

Tags: 英檢

All Comments


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2015-06-28T17:30
補上小弟的綜合寫作文章 考滿分TPO29 The professor and the article are both discussing the Edmontosaurus migration hypothesis. However, the speaker on the lecture disag ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2015-06-28T15:42
150627托福機經整理 閱讀 1. 一個在海裡一個M區域,很少陽光所以動物們需要有特殊的技巧來生存。比如說有超級 sensitive eyes和light detective organ 還有一種身子會面積變大因為可以sense 到 water vibration to feel other animal ...


William avatar
By William
at 2015-06-28T14:46
小弟考了一次tpo一次托福,可是都只有15分上下,怎麼都無法突破。特別是綜合寫作有 時候會只有1... 我閱讀跟聽力都有25分以上,閱讀跟口說部份幾乎都懂,也都抄下來了。也背了補習班的 模版,在補習班改大概都是4~5左右,字數也有個300/380。 可是考出來的分數就是惨惨惨。 已經放棄寫作只希望靠其他科拼破 ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2015-06-27T17:02
小弟因為在準備一個考試,需要通過英檢一定的分數認定,而選擇了考ITP,教材買了官 方的那本ITP仿真試題來練習, 結果第一次考517(考試需求門檻為550),想說再努力準備個半年再去考應該能達成吧!結 果第二次成績520... 覺得自己這半年其實文法念的滿有心得,但考出來分數卻沒進步,心中有些氣餒,聽力其 ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2015-06-27T15:44
SK2先修班有兩位老師 J2 和 Lia 主要針對弱底的同學(托福分數80分以下)設立的 其中J2老師負責機經班和常考字彙班和文法班 其實托福會考的範圍蠻固定的 會考得繞來繞去就是那些範圍,如果這些相關字彙記起來,考試八成看得懂 針對此J2老師把相關背景知識快速帶過,機經班預測蠻準的 不過機經 ...