2015/9/19 自修10天112 - 英檢
By Frederica
at 2015-09-30T13:08
at 2015-09-30T13:08
Table of Contents
[求學背景] NTU FIN
[英文背景] 學測15級 4年前在登峰補過托福 這次是自修
[準備時間] 考完GMAT後10天
[考試時間] 2011/9/24 Total 102/之前考過一次for exchange
2015/9/19 Total 112/R29 L28 S28(GGG) W27(GG)
[考試地點] 2次都在站前登峰考的
[準備教材] 考滿分/JJ/張涵<托福口語看這本就夠了>/60s Science
本來想9月底再考試因為才剛考完GMAT 但9月最晚考試日期是19號且10月的考試又太晚了
以下心得供沒時間的人參考 <只有10天如何準備+S&W模板>
1. 考場
因為5天前才報名所以多花了延遲報名的錢 好像US$40
但運氣滿好的 刷幾天就刷到想要的登峰考場 而且也不用買轉讓
建議大家考前3-5天可以多去官網刷位置 但最近非常多人報名所以可能難度滿高的
如果不想多花錢的可能要勤快一點 因為好考場一下子就沒了
站前登峰考場我個人滿推薦的 很安靜 工作人員很專業而且不會在外面聊天什麼的
>Apex English Group [STN13556A]
另外提醒大家刷考場前記得先爬精華區 我會注意的地方如下
2. 心態
建議能早點考就先去考考看 不要等壓deadline的時候才去考試
考試壓力太大會很緊張容易考不好 尤其是Speaking的部分
3. 如何準備考試
Day10 先研究一下托福要考什麼 了解每一個部分大概要怎麼準備+教材
>追夢網 托福iBT專區 (很多教材/單字題可以下載)
>托福小站 (主要是下載JJ的地方 有兩岸各種版本)
>考滿分 (練TPO)
>張涵 <托福口語看這本就夠了> 約2天可看完整本 內容不多 簡單且非常有幫助
>無老師 <鎮魂單詞題> 裡面的單字量雖少但精簡 都是從TPO裡面抓的 實用
Day9 有一篇板上的心得文建議(抱歉看太多文章了忘記是哪一篇!)
因為TPO前面比較簡單 所以我第一回是做TPO20 R27/L27
看起來好像還可以 感謝GMAT 所以就決定直接報名19號的托福
Day7-8 R和L的準備方法就是直接刷TPO 這兩天刷了TPO19+21 (只有做R+L+S)
把張涵那本書看完(後面的題目沒時間不用看 只要看前面的答題技巧即可)
所以開始聽60s Science 一天6則 不用太多 先不看文章聽到懂(大概3-5次)
然後邊看文章邊聽 理解一下意思沒問題就可以了 我都是利用坐公車的時候聽
書看完之後準備S的模板 也要準備W的模板 (模板分享在文章最後面)
通常短時間模板背不起來 所以可以一邊練題目一邊背
背的順序: 先綜合再獨立 (因為綜合比較需要模板 獨立沒模板也沒差)
Day6 太久沒寫作文所以W卡卡的 花了一天背模板+練了兩篇寫作
有請朋友幫忙看文章 發現寫的時候有時會偏題+整篇文章沒有邏輯 趕快修正
另外刷了獨立作文JJ 通常一個題目我會找三個點出來寫
Day5-2 刷了TPO 4套(22/23/24/25) 4個部分都要做 S我會多練一套反正才半小時
這時L已經有點進步了 TPO23拿了30
>早上-練Speaking 大約2-3小時 (做當天要做的TPO+另一套)
>下午-坐車去圖書館 在車上聽60s Science
練完剩下的TPO (R+L+W) 檢討一下錯題
Day1 做了一套TPO34 這套好像比較簡單 建議板友可以考前做這套 做完比較有信心
早點睡 最好12點左右去睡覺 記得順便看一下考試流程 免得當天慌慌張張的
4. 各部分答題技巧
我是直接看題目的那種 看題目問哪一段再去看文章
>1篇通常18-19分鐘內做完 剩下的時間可以檢查有沒有漏題(3-5分鐘)
>如果剛好有一段沒有題目 要順著看完 不要跳過去 因為通常最後會有題
>有空請多背單字 單字題滿無解的 我個人就算看語意也猜不出來
>非常重要的一點 一定要確認你選的答案是對的
意思是 你務必要確認其他三個選項是錯的你才能選 不要看到一個答案好像對就選下去
這樣之後就不用再回去檢查了 我個人認為回去檢查滿浪費時間的 因為文章要重看
>個人認為全部的問題做完應該總結就沒問題了 不用記細節
我平常滿常看歐美影集的 如果想聽一些比較平易近人又可以練shadowing或聽力的
建議可以看modern family 都是日常生活的單字 或是看Suits 因為裡面的人講話很快
>不要做太多筆記 通常筆記做完下一句會聽不到 只要記專有名詞就好了
>如果你跟我一樣是好學生 聽到東西就想記下來
建議一張A4紙分6格把所有的筆記寫在同一面上 沒位置筆記自然做的少
>聽力的時候千萬不要分心 不要想去聽Speaking的題目 損失聽力的分數虧更多
我覺得板上有一篇老師的心得文非常有幫助(我沒上過SK2的課 純建議)
9/17 earnest □ [心得] SK2 David 四戰118+五戰117 考試心得
剛好我是考前兩天看的 裡面有幾點如下我覺得想考高分一定要注意
> 中場休息可以練習1-2題獨立口說 考試比較快進入狀況
> 千萬不要再重複"describe the city you live in"了
這是一個題目 請把它回答完 這題我測麥克風的時候講臺北有ubike很方便
結果獨立第1題剛好考 認為腳踏車會不會繼續流行
我覺得describe the city可以cover滿廣的 建議多想幾個點 搞不好之後考試用得上
> 這個點好像也是在別人的心得文看到的 我覺得非常重要
就是 托福是要考你是不是能用英文溝通 不是要考你會不會用模板
真心建議考試時不要看著模板念 這樣分數會很低 就算念的再順也沒用
最好是寫一兩句萬用的模板就好 也可以節省時間不會在那邊緊張模板寫不完
口說細節可以參考張涵的那本書 會告訴你每一題要怎麼答比較好
9/27 dearamelia □ [分享] 寫完作文,用簡單的方法審視錯誤吧
>請找人幫你看你的文章是否有問題 我自己寫的時候都感覺很良好
但是問題其實很多 通常離題自己也看不出來
>舉例不用舉很fancy的例子 寫自己或朋友的例子也ok 我三個都寫自己的例子
不然就瞎掰什麼Education center的research
>字數很重要 我個人有一種字越多越高分的感覺
獨立我會留7-8分鐘 綜合我會留3-5分鐘
5. JJ怎麼用
但建議下載一份就好了 因為實在太多補習班會預測JJ了 托福小站也有
我自己是看托福小站的小範圍JJ 各部分大概23題 我覺得拿來練習還不錯
雖然準確度好像不高 大家可以看時間長短決定要用哪一個版本的JJ
但切忌貪心 不要浪費時間刷一大堆版本的JJ 不會中就是不會中
6. 模板
again我又忘記是哪一篇了不好意思若有人知道麻煩提醒 謝謝
獨立S (Topic Sentence + 1 Supporting Sentence + 1 example/detail)
TS: There are __, but among these/them I think __ is the most _adj._ one.
SS: The reason is pretty simple/straightforward, __.
Details: For example/I remember that __.
TS: I think __ is definitely a better choice for me.
SS: The problem/reason is that __.
Details: Let me give you an example, __.
The university is planning to __ because __. In addition, they think that __.
However, the man/woman disagrees with this idea/doesn’t like the plan.
He/She feels that __. Besides, he/she believes that __.
有的時候第一句是 The student is proposing to __.
The professor is talking about a concept called __, which refers to the
phenomenon/idea that __.
And he/she gives us 2 examples to illustrate this concept.
In the first case, __. So this demonstrates how __ works.
In the second example, __. Again, __ can be easily observed/presented here.
最後那兩句So this demonstrates how __ works/Again 非常重要
一定要講出來才能顯示你有link文章和lecture (張涵說的)
The man/woman has some difficulties __ because __.
There are 2 solutions mentioned in the conversation.
The man/woman can __, or he/she can __.
If I were the man/woman, I would definitely choose __.
Speaking of the reasons, first, __. In addition, __.
前面總結和自己的選擇各30s 時間要掌握好 (張涵說的)
The professor is talking about 2 different __ that __.
The first one is __. For example, __.
The second one is __. For example, __.
獨立W 基本上幾乎是某位板友的模板 非常感謝
The issue of whether ___ is a complex and controversial one. Some people
assert that ___, while others believe that ___. People usually hold different
views due to their respective angles. Therefore, there is not a uniform answer
to this question. Actually, the final judgment should rely on a case-by-case
analysis. In my opinion, however, I agree that ___. My view will be greatly
substantiated in the following discussions.
The first argument that can be presented to illustrate my position is that __.
Under this circumstance, it is obvious that __.
In addition, another reason for me to choose this statement is that __.
Hence, another equally important advantage of (你的結論) is self-demonstrated.
Admittedly, there is no denying that ___ in some conditions. As we know, ___.
When the advantages and disadvantages of (此主題) are carefully compared,
the most striking conclusion is obvious that (寫自己的結論).
Consequently, given the reasons discussed above, which are based on adequate
justification, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that (把結論換句話說).
綜合W 重點是聽力不是閱讀部分
In this set of materials, the author of the passage and the lecturer are
both discussing ___. However, they respond in the opposite to the issue of
__. The three different points of view between the two parties are presented
as follows.
First of all, the lecturer argues that __. In the lecturer's opinion,
__ is __. Although the author of the passage claims that __, the lecturer
asserts that __.
In the second place, the lecturer goes further to make a point that __.
Though the article states that __, he/she indicates that __. Therefore, the
lecturer concludes that __.
Finally, the lecturer opposes the writer's standpoint by highlighting
that __. While the article proposes that __, the speaker points out that __.
In order to establish a solid and concrete statement, the lecturer convinces
us of the evidence that __.
In conclusion, based on the evidence provided, the lecturer refutes the
perspectives made in the reading materials.
最後提醒 模板是死的 不要為了迎合你的模板改變你的思考邏輯和亂塞一些多餘的資訊
若板友有任何問題也可以寫站內信給我 會儘快回信
All Comments
By Sierra Rose
at 2015-10-03T05:44
at 2015-10-03T05:44
By Yedda
at 2015-10-06T21:24
at 2015-10-06T21:24
By Steve
at 2015-10-09T13:26
at 2015-10-09T13:26
By Isabella
at 2015-10-11T03:11
at 2015-10-11T03:11
By Sandy
at 2015-10-14T22:56
at 2015-10-14T22:56
By Callum
at 2015-10-19T02:44
at 2015-10-19T02:44
By Thomas
at 2015-10-24T01:13
at 2015-10-24T01:13
By Gary
at 2015-10-26T15:33
at 2015-10-26T15:33
By Suhail Hany
at 2015-10-27T07:51
at 2015-10-27T07:51
By Freda
at 2015-10-27T11:22
at 2015-10-27T11:22
By Emma
at 2015-10-31T06:10
at 2015-10-31T06:10
By Victoria
at 2015-11-02T04:19
at 2015-11-02T04:19
By Mary
at 2015-11-02T05:41
at 2015-11-02T05:41
By Puput
at 2015-11-02T19:33
at 2015-11-02T19:33
By Margaret
at 2015-11-02T23:34
at 2015-11-02T23:34
By Blanche
at 2015-11-03T15:17
at 2015-11-03T15:17
By Oscar
at 2015-11-07T05:40
at 2015-11-07T05:40
By Eartha
at 2015-11-09T22:23
at 2015-11-09T22:23
By Irma
at 2015-11-14T21:54
at 2015-11-14T21:54
By Faithe
at 2015-11-18T07:19
at 2015-11-18T07:19
By Daph Bay
at 2015-11-19T01:22
at 2015-11-19T01:22
By Lauren
at 2015-11-22T17:30
at 2015-11-22T17:30
By Blanche
at 2015-11-24T07:09
at 2015-11-24T07:09
By Edwina
at 2015-11-26T12:34
at 2015-11-26T12:34
By Ina
at 2015-12-01T07:28
at 2015-12-01T07:28
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