2010.1/16 - 英檢

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2010-01-16T20:11

Table of Contents

※ 引述《tonywen (Winner is ME)》之銘言:
: 寫作
: 獨立It is better for children... simial parent`s job or 反面 different job.
It is better for children to choose jobs that are similar
to their parents' than to choose jobs that are different
from their parents'.

: 整合Nathxx人 life
: 閱讀 1.hunting and gathering 比較 agricutural
: 2.climate
: 3.population

Three theories in the reading passage
1.The agricultural life is much easier than hunting one.
2.The climate changed, so people chose to live by lake
for the water supply, which caused the new life style.
3.There was a huge population growth. And they couldn't get
enough food only by hunting and collecting food.

: 聽力 1.
: 2.climate coller
: 3.hunting need few people
: agriculturl need more people

And, the lecture points out some truth that against the reading,
1.According to the research, energy used in farming is
actually much more than energy used in hunting.
2.This is a misleading theory, because it didn't mention
the drop of the temperature. The water supply is crucial
to cereal growth, but there was no way that cereals
can grow in such a low temperature.
3.The population growth was actually a result of the agricultural
society. The family stucture was smaller in the hunting society
because they need fewer people in hunting than in farming.
Also, the speaker mentioned that population started to grow
after the life was settle down.

: 想到再繼續PO
: 考完頭好痛中><

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-01-18T06:23


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-01-16T17:08
請問考12/12那天托福的同學們 有人收到紙本成績單了嗎 因為我還沒收到,所以很擔心會不會寄丟了:( 如果被寄丟的話該怎麼辦呢? 謝謝各位.... - ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2010-01-16T16:56
※ 引述《Mayday6 (brandied cherry)》之銘言: : 大家覺得今天題目如何? 今天好多biology 閱讀考沙漠中的植物 聽力考海洋 口說考寄生植物 ≧andlt;andgt;≦ 我覺得我只想趕快奔出考場回家當無腦生物 orz : 感覺 剛爬文 大陸學生說閱讀簡單 : 聽力有點難度 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-01-16T16:35
寫作 獨立It is better for children... simial parent`s job or 反面 different job. 整合Nathxx人 life 閱讀 1.hunting and gathering 比較 agricutural 2.climate ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-01-16T16:23
大家好,不好意思佔用了版面; 迫於時間緊急,又始終等不到考場 不得不在此徵求:2/7(日)北部托福考場 (如有其他地區考場願意轉讓,也可來信洽談) 雖然還並不太瞭解轉讓相關規定, 但額外費用我願意全額負擔; 如有熱心考友願意幫忙, 竭誠懇請您站內信與我聯繫, 真的非常感謝! - ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2010-01-16T15:52
我也覺得閱讀不會太難 至少不會太多艱澀的字 聽力真的好難 我還以為是不是我花太多腦力在閱讀了 (因為我去年的閱讀考不好今年就特別小心) 有很多的聽力都是lecture考的又很細 本來我對聽力是最有把握的結果遇到選項都不知道怎麼選... 而且題目好多喔喔一直以為可以休息了結果都還有 口說我覺得第三題超級難 ...