2.26 IBT 98 - 英檢

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-03-10T03:51

Table of Contents


People have diverse perspectives when it comes to the topic of whether
we should possess broad knowledge or specific knowledge. Owing to the
controversial characteristic of this issue, we usually have to treat it in
a highly prudent attitude. On one hand, some people maintain that we should
have broad knowledge in order to deal with all kinds of problems in our
life; on the other hand, other people believe that we should focus on one
specific subject because we don't have much time to know everything. After
weighing carefully the pros and cons of these two views, I have an
inclination to accept the statement that we should specialize in one
specific professional field. In this essay, I plan to clarify my position
by presenting several major reasons and relating appropriate examples.

There are numerous reasons why we should pay our attention on one
single subject, and I will illustrate in here a few of the obvious and
crucial ones. As a saying goes, "A jack of all trades is the master of
none." We are living in a society dominated by competition; it is critical
to be an expert in one specific field so that we will be able to show our
advantage over other people in the competition of employment. If we try to
learn everything, we will learn nothing and end up with failure in the
end of our life. Apparently, there is no better example than this to
demonstrate this stand.

In addition, another argument to strengthen my position is that
we do not have much time to learn everything. If our life is infinite,
we always have time to learn all sorts of knowledge in different fields.
However, contrary to our expectation, we are all mortal. We have to learn
how to efficiently exploit our precious time in our limited life. And the
only way to achieve this goal is to focus on one single field and try our
level best to become professional. Then we will enter this professional
field and have the best performance since we do what we are good at. And
this is also the reason why I advocate this position.

Of course, it may be true that broad knowledge is also important under
certain circumstances. For instance, some people may think in our life, we
may have to face all types of problems, probably in the field of medicine,
law, and business. If we possess broad knowledge in these fields, we will be
able to deal with these problems by ourselves. Nevertheless, this alone is
not substantial enough to justify this viewpoint because we are not experts
in every field. If we rely on a little learning to deal with these problems,
we may easily put ourselves in unpredictable danger. Therefore, if the
advantage and disadvantage of these two views I mentioned in the beginning
are fully contemplated and compared, scales still come down heavily on the
side of my position.

All in all, after taking into consideration the reasons mentioned above,
which sometimes integrate into an organic whole and therefore become more
convincing, I find that the benefits of specializing in one specific field
carry more weight than those of having extensive knowledge of many areas,
and it would therefore not be too great an exaggeration to say that we should
focus on one single subject rather than try to grasp at broad knowledge in
many different fields.






Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-03-14T08:43
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2011-03-14T23:31
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2011-03-17T01:07
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-03-17T22:54
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2011-03-21T04:55
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2011-03-25T06:43
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-03-27T02:31
Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-03-27T14:44
thank you very much.
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2011-03-30T23:35
真的太強了@@ 我自己的模板感覺就很LOW= =
David avatar
By David
at 2011-04-03T02:37
強人推!!現在正面臨獨立寫作300字都擠不出來的窘境> <


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2011-03-09T23:14
打算四月初考托福 有意用SKYPE練習者 站內信喔 記得托福成績~~ 我這次是 R26 L21 L20 W 27=94 目標破百 謝謝’ - ...

2/26 一戰93心得-3

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-03-09T22:12
考試作戰方式: (1) 準備充足! 其實一定準備不完的 我想大概只有補習班老師準備的完吧 我考試前一天10點就睡了 晚餐去吃好料 然後聽聽英文廣播 然後玩幾回口說 背背模板 看看自己想申請的學校 幻想自己會上 就去考試了! (2) 食糧 由於中途只有10分鐘的休息時 ...

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Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-03-09T21:50
2. 黃金閱讀 其實有很多事TPO的題目 所以在這邊與大家分享 (1) 直接做題目 文順等於題順 我會直接殺去題目解題 把看文章的時間用再直接看題目段落和思考 (2) 筆記 這點與板上許多人會不大一樣 有人會說閱讀不用筆記 這大概因人而異 通常我會把文章的重點記下 然後歸類 ...

2/26 一戰93心得

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-03-09T21:24
R:23 L:24 S:23(FFF) W:23(GG) Total:93 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 時間:去年11月開始準備 補習:哈佛補習班 背景:理工 學歷: ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2011-03-09T20:04
在太傻板看到就載下來了 有需要的板友們就留一下mail吧 我會努力寄給大家的 andgt; andlt; 有收到的版友也希望能夠幫忙一起寄出去喔 大家好心會有好報的!!!! 希望這禮拜天的考試能順利破百阿 (汗) -- 如果不能正常過日子 那就不正常的過生活吧 http://w ...