2/24 The MBA Tour Virtual Fair - 英檢

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2022-02-18T17:22

Table of Contents

Make your study abroad dreams a reality. Meet Wharton, Berkeley,
HEC_Paris, IESE, IE, HKUST and more top MBA programs from the US,
Europe, Canada & around the world. Sign up the MBA Tour spring virtual fair
on Feb. 24, https://bit.ly/34WX2rc

2月24日與華頓商學院、柏克萊、HEC Paris、IESE、IE、HKUST等MBA頂尖名校有約! 報名
免費線上教育展 https://bit.ly/34WX2rc

【參展學校名單 (持續更新) participating schools (updated regularly)】
Asia School of Business
Baruch College of the City University of New York
City University of Hong Kong
City, University of London
ESSEC Business School
HEC Paris
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hult International Business School
IE Business School
IESE Business School
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
Simon Fraser University
Singapore Management University
St. John's University
Suffolk University
Syracuse University
University Carlos III of Madrid
University of California Berkeley
University of Delaware
University of Pennsylvania
University of Warwick
York University

【Event Schedule】
18:00-18:25 Keynote Panel: How to Make Your Application Stand Out
18:30-22:00 University Hall & Networking Lounge: Live Chat with Admission
Directors, Alumni and Current Students
18:30-20:25 MeetUps: Small group virtual meetings with university
18:30-22:00 Resume Review Clinic: Hosted by Asia School of Business
18:30-18:55 York University Presents: MBA Talk
19:00-19:25 Suffolk University Presents: MBA Talk
19:30-19:55 IE Business School Presents: MBA Talk
20:00-20:25 Baruch College of the City University of New York Presents:
MBA Talk
20:30-20:55 University of California Berkeley Presents: MBA Talk
21:00-21:25 GMAC Presents: Advisor Talk: What You Should Know About the

Tags: 英檢

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2/19(六) SK2背景知識+口說公開課

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2022-02-18T10:36
SK2 TOEFL 完整兩小時線上免費課程 課程名稱:口說獨立題+背景知識公開課 課成時間:2/19 (六) 10:00-12:00(09:45 開zoom房間) 報名連結:https://forms.gle/fudzcwvKrNmF9CdX9 直接點選連結,填完表單,不需 ...

閱讀常見誤區 part 1 by J2

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2022-02-16T23:13
今天分享閱讀常見的其中一個誤區,請同學先回答以下問題: 托福文章結構比較像下圖左邊還是右邊?每個方塊代表一個段落。 https://imgur.com/tTKPbAG 其實答案是右邊!也就是說,托福文章結構大多數比較是每段都跟標題有 關,但段落之間「不一定」有關聯性。 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2022-02-16T19:26
【經典美語】TOEFL口說/寫作班師資介紹 由留考界知名的謝忠理老師(寫作),以及深受同學喜愛的Irene老師(口說) 所組成的超強師資陣容,帶領你跳脫考試的輪迴,直達目標。 謝忠理老師能夠在廝殺激烈的留考業中存活30年(老師年紀輕輕就以 花美男之姿出道),仍然活躍在第一線,已經可以列入傳說級人物。 老師 ...

2/18企業營運供應鏈碩XLA工作 @彭湘平英文

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2022-02-16T16:38
嗨~大家好!我是Cathy開喜Peng婆/彭湘平。唯一土生土長iBT托福滿分120、雅思8.5的 托福、雅思老師,南陽街+創業=留學英文教了17年。在捷運東門站開設「彭湘平英文」 留學教室。堅持四人成班~十人進班就滿班。雅思班每週免費讀書會班內生無限次數參加 !雅思全台高分比例最高!學生背景多元,強底弱底我們 ...

2/24 The MBA Tour Virtual Fair

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2022-02-16T16:06
Make your study abroad dreams a reality. Meet Wharton, Berkeley, HEC_Paris, IESE, IE, HKUST and more top #MBA programs from the US, Europe, Canada andamp; ...