12/22 Reading回憶錄 - 英檢

By Puput
at 2012-12-22T16:41
at 2012-12-22T16:41
Table of Contents
Sea Turtle Navigation:
第一段:The migration of sea turtles from their feeding grounds to distant
nesting beaches raises several difficult problems that have puzzled
biologists for decades.<--(開頭) first->其中一個最神秘的因素是海龜如何回到出生
out of water to be able to distinguish stars) Furthermore, 海龜可以maintain
straight courses even on overcast(!!單字題)=cloudy 中間之後大概都是廢話
Secondly, scientists have demonstrate(?)that along some migratory paths(提到腳
印 不知道幹嘛@@) brief summary: Although it is possible that the sense of
smell plays a role in guiding the turtle to nesting area, it cannot explain
the precise navigation across vast areas of open sea.
響 應該是為了鋪陳第三段之後 第二段沒說啥!
第三段:開頭:It seems likely that turtles are able to use multiple sources of
information to help guide them.中間講到他們怎麼返回到Brazilian coast. 結尾
:This implies that airbone oders or sounds may be used in navigation, even
though see turtles have not been shown to use their sense of smell in air.
第四段:開始又再跳針說有種神秘力量(XDDD)led sea turtles 返回 breeding
locations...最後推斷是由於DNA造成的 母龜及公龜(?因為好像有提到) 都會遺留在小海龜身上 所以
單字題就沒多記憶了因為很簡單啊! 只記得一題 其他麻煩同學補充!
Local Winds:
第一段:開頭說到一個Mesoscale winds are winds that travel from 1~100km within
a time trame of minutes to days.M風又稱做local winds.單字題:generate
第二段:雖然很多風有不同的名子,但是some are actually part of the global wind
system in the "Norther" of the state of Texas. 又說到這邊風系統跟加拿大那裏在
冬天的關係 加拿大那邊好像不配稱做local winds.結尾: Others, like land and sea
breezes and mountain and valley breezes, are truly local.
第三段:講土地被太陽加熱的過程(單字題 adjacent=near) 然後有低氣壓 海風就會
同意改寫:記得沒錯的話~是:A sea breeze then develops, as cooler air over the
water moves onto the land. At night, the reverse may take place; the land
cools more rapidly than the sea and a land breeze develops.
第四段:在講海風,這段跟講義上的資料差不多 就不多打了
最後有講到墨西哥灣 中間段有提到
第五段:講到熱帶地區Tropical areas where intense solar heating is continuous
throughout the year experience more frequent and stronger sea breezes than do
midlatitude(?) locations. 最後有講到 the frequent migration on of large-scale
high-(?這到底啥= =) and low-pressure systems
六七兩段..沒有記的很完整 不好意思!!
印象中6.7.8段的東西講義都有 就沒特別記
最後一段:Like many other winds, mountain and valley breeze occur in seasoning
Do birds learn their song?
第一段:Studies of learning in animals have often focused on the adapation
nature of their behavior. 開頭這段大概就在講這些東西 後面只是很specific的東西
第二段:舉了一些例子:European cuckoos,cowbirds and other parasitic birds.大概是
講他們如何從沒見過父母的狀況下 如何靠聲音分辨出是同一種species.
第三段:丟了一個問題 好像是:why do some birds, at least partially, learn their
song from their parents?舉了 the white-crowed sparrow當例子(有題 作者舉這個當
第四段:重複前面如何學唱歌的跳針 這裡講到一個人 1975年的生物學家J.L Brown 他說
了一些東西 沒有硬記
successively=one after another
retain - keep
enjoy with -> fun
adjacent - nearby
convergence- coming together
第一段:The migration of sea turtles from their feeding grounds to distant
nesting beaches raises several difficult problems that have puzzled
biologists for decades.<--(開頭) first->其中一個最神秘的因素是海龜如何回到出生
out of water to be able to distinguish stars) Furthermore, 海龜可以maintain
straight courses even on overcast(!!單字題)=cloudy 中間之後大概都是廢話
Secondly, scientists have demonstrate(?)that along some migratory paths(提到腳
印 不知道幹嘛@@) brief summary: Although it is possible that the sense of
smell plays a role in guiding the turtle to nesting area, it cannot explain
the precise navigation across vast areas of open sea.
響 應該是為了鋪陳第三段之後 第二段沒說啥!
第三段:開頭:It seems likely that turtles are able to use multiple sources of
information to help guide them.中間講到他們怎麼返回到Brazilian coast. 結尾
:This implies that airbone oders or sounds may be used in navigation, even
though see turtles have not been shown to use their sense of smell in air.
第四段:開始又再跳針說有種神秘力量(XDDD)led sea turtles 返回 breeding
locations...最後推斷是由於DNA造成的 母龜及公龜(?因為好像有提到) 都會遺留在小海龜身上 所以
單字題就沒多記憶了因為很簡單啊! 只記得一題 其他麻煩同學補充!
Local Winds:
第一段:開頭說到一個Mesoscale winds are winds that travel from 1~100km within
a time trame of minutes to days.M風又稱做local winds.單字題:generate
第二段:雖然很多風有不同的名子,但是some are actually part of the global wind
system in the "Norther" of the state of Texas. 又說到這邊風系統跟加拿大那裏在
冬天的關係 加拿大那邊好像不配稱做local winds.結尾: Others, like land and sea
breezes and mountain and valley breezes, are truly local.
第三段:講土地被太陽加熱的過程(單字題 adjacent=near) 然後有低氣壓 海風就會
同意改寫:記得沒錯的話~是:A sea breeze then develops, as cooler air over the
water moves onto the land. At night, the reverse may take place; the land
cools more rapidly than the sea and a land breeze develops.
第四段:在講海風,這段跟講義上的資料差不多 就不多打了
最後有講到墨西哥灣 中間段有提到
第五段:講到熱帶地區Tropical areas where intense solar heating is continuous
throughout the year experience more frequent and stronger sea breezes than do
midlatitude(?) locations. 最後有講到 the frequent migration on of large-scale
high-(?這到底啥= =) and low-pressure systems
六七兩段..沒有記的很完整 不好意思!!
印象中6.7.8段的東西講義都有 就沒特別記
最後一段:Like many other winds, mountain and valley breeze occur in seasoning
Do birds learn their song?
第一段:Studies of learning in animals have often focused on the adapation
nature of their behavior. 開頭這段大概就在講這些東西 後面只是很specific的東西
第二段:舉了一些例子:European cuckoos,cowbirds and other parasitic birds.大概是
講他們如何從沒見過父母的狀況下 如何靠聲音分辨出是同一種species.
第三段:丟了一個問題 好像是:why do some birds, at least partially, learn their
song from their parents?舉了 the white-crowed sparrow當例子(有題 作者舉這個當
第四段:重複前面如何學唱歌的跳針 這裡講到一個人 1975年的生物學家J.L Brown 他說
了一些東西 沒有硬記
successively=one after another
retain - keep
enjoy with -> fun
adjacent - nearby
convergence- coming together
All Comments

By Megan
at 2012-12-25T23:42
at 2012-12-25T23:42

By Audriana
at 2012-12-27T21:58
at 2012-12-27T21:58

By Jack
at 2012-12-29T22:24
at 2012-12-29T22:24

By Rachel
at 2013-01-03T13:30
at 2013-01-03T13:30

By Jack
at 2013-01-04T02:17
at 2013-01-04T02:17

By Edwina
at 2013-01-07T04:33
at 2013-01-07T04:33

By Skylar Davis
at 2013-01-10T15:03
at 2013-01-10T15:03

By Zora
at 2013-01-13T09:33
at 2013-01-13T09:33

By Agatha
at 2013-01-15T11:48
at 2013-01-15T11:48

By Brianna
at 2013-01-19T18:58
at 2013-01-19T18:58

By Barb Cronin
at 2013-01-22T09:25
at 2013-01-22T09:25

By Annie
at 2013-01-23T12:23
at 2013-01-23T12:23

By James
at 2013-01-27T17:58
at 2013-01-27T17:58
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