1124郭易多益考前真題-全對多拿一百分! - 自學

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2012-11-24T14:09

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※ [本文轉錄自 TOEIC 看板 #1Gi57EXN ]

作者: pttEnglish (郭易滿分英文) 看板: TOEIC
標題: [題目] 1124郭易滿分考前真題-全對多拿一百分!
時間: Sat Nov 24 12:49:14 2012

以下真題引用自滿分天書: http://0rz.tw/DTmzP

1. 創滿分/應考/學生進步世界紀錄作者親撰寫
2. 全球唯一有公信力實證每題都真題改編題目
3. 題本格式比官方OG還符合目前最新規格趨勢
4. 全球唯一免費分享全部的[版權所有]題目:)
5. 裡面題目都實證會一考再考
建議大家專攻這些題目 投資報酬率最高!
6. 感謝多家大學/企業/兩岸網友指定使用:)

歡迎免費善意使用, 祝大家都考滿分 :)
101 Applicants for the position of research assistant must have ------- la\
boratory experience.
(A) extend (B) extensive
(C) extensions (D) extending

102 Passengers should call the airline ------- confirm their flights 24 ho\
urs before departure.
(A) for (B) to
(C) so (D) when

103 ------- did the lamps arrive two weeks late but they were also badly d\
(A) Not only (B) In addition
(C) Over and above (D) Nevertheless

104 The designers were fully ------- to answer questions about the new lin\
e of automobiles at the press event.
(A) prepare (B) prepared
(C) prepares (D) preparation

105 The Far East Asian Business Association hopes to have its new Web site\
operational ------- the end of next week.
(A) by (B) up
(C) of (D) among

106. The doctors advises patients that getting sufficient rest can greatly decre\
ase the time it takes ------- from a minor cold.
(A) to recover (B) will recover
(C) be recovered (D) has recovered

107. Accountants and other finance professionals are extremely busy ------- to t\
he filing deadline for tax returns this month.
(A) suited (B) conductive
(C) prior (D) forward

108. Many financial experts recommend keeping enough accessible savings to cover\
4 months' worth of living -------.
(A) budgets (B) prices
(C) credits (D) expenses

109. Please sign the contract and return it to the
Human Resources department ------- ten days.
(A) behind (B) even
(C) still (D) within

110. Business Today weekly is prepared ------- 10 percent discount to reade\
rs who renew their subscriptions for a three-year period.
(A) to offer (B) has offered
(C) offering (D) offers

111 Corporate policy ------- employees from conducting personal business d\
uring working hours.
(A) implies (B) detects
(C) pretends (D) discourages

112 The company intranet is undergoing repairs and ------- shut down for \
2 hrs on Tuesday.
(A) was (B) are
(C) has been (D) will be

113 The number of students entering universities ------- after graduating f\
rom secondary school has decreased in recent years.
(A) direct (B) directly
(C) direction (D) directed

114 The contractor has had to ------- extra carpenters to meet the work dea\
(A) reply (B) detect
(C) hire (D) construct

115 Mr. Liao and Mr. Fields are planning to make the presentation but Ms. \
Bray may join -------.
(A) they (B) their
(C) them (D) themselves

116. Please complete and return the questionnaire before you ------- the room.
(A) to leave (B) have left
(C) leaving (D) leave

117. The technology department has installed a software program that allows emp\
loyees to ------- their working hours electronically.
(A) record (B) practice
(C) rewind (D) attend

118. The manager of the public affairs department has shown ------- to the prop\
osal that we sponsor a series of outdoor concerts.
(A) resisting (B) resistant
(C) resistance (D) resisted

119. ------- the local weather conditions were so favorable, the rice crop in t\
his region was plentiful lat year
(A) Following (B) More than
(C) Unless (D) Because

120. Administrators at the Five-Star Foundation have unveiled ------- new plan \
to increase private donations.
(A) they (B) their
(C) them (D) those

※ 編輯: pttEnglish 來自: (11/24 14:10)

Tags: 自學

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Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2012-11-22T19:09
隨著102年研究所甄試季的到來,向大家推薦「大碩考試科目組合」的功能。這 個資料庫每年都是請上榜學員、學長姐們逐一更新、key in的考試情報,保持近兩年的報 考資料,提供學生們做為考試的參考依據。 其內容分為幾點: 1.如何選組? 報考人數/招生名額初步判斷競爭程度 2.避免高分落榜 英文很關鍵 門檻你必 ...


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