10/18 MAYA的文章 - 英檢

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2008-10-20T02:38

Table of Contents

Although it has a somewhat unpredictable rainy season from May to October, it
also has a dry season from January through April. Indeed, if one focuses on
the dry months, one could describe the Yucatán as a "seasonal desert."

Complicating things, from a farmer's perspective, is that the part of the
Yucatán with the most rain, the south, is also the part at the highest
elevation above the water table. Most of the Yucatán consists of karst—a
porous, sponge-like, limestone terrain—and so rain runs straight into the
ground, leaving little or no surface water. The Maya in the lower-elevation
regions of the north were able to reach the water table by way of deep
sinkholes called cenotes, and the Maya in low coastal areas without sink
holes could reach it by digging wells up to 75 feet deep. Most Maya, however,
lived in the south. How did they deal with their resulting water problem?

Technology provided an answer. The Maya plugged up leaks on karst
promontories by plastering the bottoms of depressions to create reservoirs,
which collected rain and stored it for use in the dry season. The reservoirs
at the Maya city of Tikal, for example, held enough water to meet the needs
of about 10,000 people for eighteen months. If a drought lasted longer than
that, though, the inhabitants of Tikal were in deep trouble.


Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-10-22T08:22
哇,真的重點都一模一樣耶!! 這篇好~~
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-10-27T04:21
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-11-01T01:24


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2008-10-20T00:03
有沒有人可以分享聽力部份的技巧呢? 剛才練習了一次 發現lecture雖然時間短 但是講話的速度飛快 我筆記速度根本跟不上 做不做筆記真是令人掙扎... 如果不做筆記 兩分鐘內的lecture專心聽 基本上可以掌握住「要反駁的點」 但是「反駁的依據」細節只能記70-80% 寫文章時可能沒辦法 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-10-19T23:59
現在有在上劉增榮老師的文法寫作課 聽說他有在別縣市的補習班上課?? 我朋友在台南也很想上他的課 請問有沒有人知道他是在台南的哪間補習班呢? 還是有好心人能在上課的時候幫我問他 因為我是看錄影帶的 遇不到他本人 謝謝 麻煩了!! - ...


Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2008-10-19T23:38
之前札古大神普渡眾生後,小弟也試著算機經出題規律。 有以下結論: 1.每個月四次考試中,會有一次是北美新題、一次是組合題、剩下兩次是07年考古題 2.考古題近十一個月不考。例如08.10.26,小弟便預測07.11以後的雞精應該不會出。 3.既然每個月一次組合題,而拆開的部分會在下個月考, 換言之十 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2008-10-19T22:43
去年夢幻考場 就是中山大學了 有六間獨立房間 隔音超好 可惜沒了 - ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-10-19T22:41
太晚報名了,想考的時間幾乎都沒有考場 目前剩下的只有這兩個 1.KAOHSIUNG, TAIWAN (APCU-8587) THE LANGUAGE TRAINING andamp; TESTING CTR 7F, 2 CHUNG-CHENG 3RD ROAD KAOHSIUNG 800 2.Ch ...