1/28空英有幾處聽不出來 - 英檢
By George
at 2009-01-29T01:32
at 2009-01-29T01:32
Table of Contents
可以給下面網址 就不用點了還要再找 ^^
※ 引述《snoopy469 (silent)》之銘言:
: 在下有幾句空英聽不懂
: 即句子...的地方
: 想請各位大大幫我解答
: http://digichannel.go2school.com.tw/default.asp
: 點選section 1
: No. 時間 句子
: a. 3:01 the science of fiction....going
science fiction thought of going
: b. 3:04 treasure….because
well then hang on
: c. 3:07 and our ...that there is modern
deck we see (聽不懂)
: d. 3:16 so this …. people are
isn't old
: d. 5:05 that .....talked about is much like an adventure movie
what he is about to talk about
: f. 5:09 the ....interests and curiosity in the minds of readers.
mentioning of an adventure movie is enough to create interest and a curiosity
: g. 5:19 and you're trying hook the ... attention
hook your eyes's attention (??)
: h. 5:29 things like fairy tales...or even romantic movies
soap opera (不確定 但是well known又這樣唸的..大概是吧)
: i. 7:13 some sort of ship wreck不知對否
Now obviously, if a ship is under water,
well then it had a some sort of shipwreck, for some reason it sunk,
and there are probably still a lot of treasures beneath the sea.
從句子看,it 是艘船,船有某種船難,因某種原因它沈了
: j. 7:23 wreck ...in the bottom of the sea
Some of these ships that have wreck then are at the bottom of the sea have ...
: k. 8:25 it will be .....but it still generating head line
won't be appearing in theaters anytime soon (參考前面唸過的課文)
: l. 8:38 Now, what do we learn about Odyssey will...we see
what do we learn about Odyssey here Chip? We see ...
Chip是另外一位老師 XD
: m. 9:04 so the ship ....usually are
so the shipwrecks are usually, ah the ships are...
: n. 9:18 solar ships...locate the wreckage
using high-tech sort of ships, Odyssey locates ...
: o. 10:02 and ...talk about more of
then we'll be back to
: 謝謝回答
不確定這裡是否適合討論 暫時回一下
這個正常情況過期了就不能再聽了? 似乎不太方便
除非低調一下(鐵定不適合討論 XD 開燈)
※ 引述《snoopy469 (silent)》之銘言:
: 在下有幾句空英聽不懂
: 即句子...的地方
: 想請各位大大幫我解答
: http://digichannel.go2school.com.tw/default.asp
: 點選section 1
: No. 時間 句子
: a. 3:01 the science of fiction....going
science fiction thought of going
: b. 3:04 treasure….because
well then hang on
: c. 3:07 and our ...that there is modern
deck we see (聽不懂)
: d. 3:16 so this …. people are
isn't old
: d. 5:05 that .....talked about is much like an adventure movie
what he is about to talk about
: f. 5:09 the ....interests and curiosity in the minds of readers.
mentioning of an adventure movie is enough to create interest and a curiosity
: g. 5:19 and you're trying hook the ... attention
hook your eyes's attention (??)
: h. 5:29 things like fairy tales...or even romantic movies
soap opera (不確定 但是well known又這樣唸的..大概是吧)
: i. 7:13 some sort of ship wreck不知對否
Now obviously, if a ship is under water,
well then it had a some sort of shipwreck, for some reason it sunk,
and there are probably still a lot of treasures beneath the sea.
從句子看,it 是艘船,船有某種船難,因某種原因它沈了
: j. 7:23 wreck ...in the bottom of the sea
Some of these ships that have wreck then are at the bottom of the sea have ...
: k. 8:25 it will be .....but it still generating head line
won't be appearing in theaters anytime soon (參考前面唸過的課文)
: l. 8:38 Now, what do we learn about Odyssey will...we see
what do we learn about Odyssey here Chip? We see ...
Chip是另外一位老師 XD
: m. 9:04 so the ship ....usually are
so the shipwrecks are usually, ah the ships are...
: n. 9:18 solar ships...locate the wreckage
using high-tech sort of ships, Odyssey locates ...
: o. 10:02 and ...talk about more of
then we'll be back to
: 謝謝回答
不確定這裡是否適合討論 暫時回一下
這個正常情況過期了就不能再聽了? 似乎不太方便
除非低調一下(鐵定不適合討論 XD 開燈)
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