1/10 英文讀書會 - 林口

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2010-01-10T00:24

Table of Contents

Probably I will hold a English gathering at 18:30 tonight(1/11 Sunday). For

people who would like to join this gathering, please reply to my mailbox here

with your cellphone and name.

I haven't decide where to hold the gathering. Probably I will hold it at

my place or starbucks as usual.

Side note: Noodle prefers the former one...XD

The article for this week is about Diet, though I take a fancy to the

discussion about the movie 2012...LOL

Here's the URL of the article.



Here's the questions we gonna discuss.


Please finish the whole article before you come to join this gathering...^_^


Tags: 林口

All Comments

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-01-10T17:01
Side note: Noodle prefers the former one...XD
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2010-01-14T19:48
1/11 is Monday,right?
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2010-01-15T14:37
Hope I could join next time~^^
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2010-01-19T10:01
May I join you next time? ^_^


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2010-01-09T18:10
想請問一下板上各位大大 因為小的不是林口人 但是最近有小朋友要送到長庚附近去讀幼稚園 不知道有沒有人可以推薦一下哪裡有幼稚園呢? 範圍希望是離長庚醫院騎車不要超過10分鐘的路程! 如果有人知道相關訊息的話 再跟小的我分享一下吧! 感激不盡^^ - ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2010-01-09T15:40
突然想起以前常去吃的 蜀山饌 有麻辣控想一起去嗎 龍潭蜀山饌是吃到飽的 價位350左右 小弟在長庚這邊 打算開車去 男女不拘 只要你想吃辣 有想去的請回信 打算4:30出發 -- - ...


Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2010-01-09T14:23
如題,今天天氣這麼好, 有沒有人想要打球啊? 復興北路,醒吾都可以, 場地不滑且平整就好,這樣才能盡情奔跑^_^ 意者站內信聯絡, 我應該三點半~四點會出發 -- 飛翔是一種感覺, 一種無法與別人分享的經驗, 在離地一公尺多的世界, 或許只有短短不到一秒, 但是對我來說, 這就是永恒~ - ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-01-09T09:08
只是murmur... 這次小7的踢他舞公仔風靡全台 小妹我也辛苦的吃了幾星期的小7 今天下班後 高興的帶著2張到貨的兌換卷+1張and#34;貼滿點數and#34;的貼紙 去長庚對面的小7領貨+換貨 我直接走到櫃台 將兌換卷+1張and#34;貼滿點數and#34;的貼紙放在桌上 當時店員接 ...


Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2010-01-09T08:45
請問有在喝咖啡的 卡布其諾就是 半杯咖啡 + 半杯奶泡 嗎? 前陣子去長庚那,某知名咖啡連鎖店 卡布其諾內用 然後成品是這副樣子,非常沒料 拿去櫃臺問,櫃臺說卡布其諾就是一半咖啡一半奶泡呀 嗄? ...