0528郭易滿分考前真題, 全對多拿100分! - 自學

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-05-28T07:44

Table of Contents

以下改編真題引用自滿分天書: http://0rz.tw/DTmzP

1. 由創造許多滿分跟應考世界紀錄作者親撰寫
2. 全球唯一有公信力實證每題都真題改編題目
3. 題本格式比官方OG還符合目前最新規格趨勢
4. 全球唯一免費分享全部的[版權所有]題目:)
5. 裡面題目都實證會一考再考
建議大家專攻這些題目 投資報酬率最高!

101 Applicants for the position of research assistant must have ------- laboratory experience.
(A) extend (B) extensive
(C) extensions (D) extending

102 Passengers should call the airline ------- confirm their flights 24 hours before departure.
(A) for (B) to
(C) so (D) when
------- did the lamps arrive two weeks late but they were also badly damaged.
(A) Not only (B) In addition
(C) Over and above(D) Nevertheless

104 The designers were fully ------- to answer questions about the new line of automobiles at the press event.
(A) prepare (B) prepared
(C) prepares (D) preparation

105 The Far East Asian Business Association hopes to have its new Web site operational ------- the end of next week.
(A) by (B) up
(C) of (D) among

111 The phone company asked members of the public to answer a survey about how they use ------- phones.
(A) their (B) they
(C) theirs (D) themselves

112 Tickets to the art gallery can be purchased either online ------- by phone.
(A) but (B) yet
(C) and(D) or

113 Louisa Voehringer ------- sports stories for a number of newspapers and magazines until her retirement in 2003.
(A) writes (B) writing
(C) wrote (D) written

114 It is important that all members of the project team ------- today's meeting.
(A) attend (B) belong
(C) commit (D) arrive

115 While Joseph is out of the office next week, he will be checking his e-mail ------- from home.
(A) exactly (B) regularly
(C) timely (D) evenly
Eduardo Martinez
17142 Lakeview Court
Houston, TX 77477
January 15

Dear Mr. Martinez:

I am writing to confirm your reservation of the Regency Ballroom on Wednesday, April 14, from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. During our last conversation, you indicated that there will be approximately 125 people attending the retirement banquet on April 14. I have noted this in the hotel's reservation records. Please send me a final count no later than April 7.

In order to secure your reservation, you must send us a deposit of $500.00 by February 1. You may pay this deposit by check or credit card. If you decide to send a check, please make it payable to Starsite Hotel. If you would rather pay by credit card, please call me directly, and I will process your payment over the phone.

Our chef is developing a new menu, which I will send to you in a few weeks. After you receive it, pleases select the meals you would like us to serve at the banquet, mark your selections on the menu, and mail the menu back to me.

We look forward to seeing you in April. Please do not hesitate to call me at 1-888-222-4378, ext. 5453 if you have any questions or concerns.

Mai Chung
Mai Chung
Banquet Services Manager
Starsite Hotel
168. What is the purpose of the letter?
(A) To reserve a hotel suite (B) To confirm some plans
(C) To describe a problem (D) To invite people to a party

169. By what date should Ms. Chung need to know the number of guests?
(A) January 15 (B) February 1
(C) April 7 (D) April 14

170. What does Ms. Chung promise to send to Mr. Martinez?
(A) A room deposit (B) A dinner menu
(C) A list of names (D) A reservation form

171. What is NOT included in the letter?
(A) The fax number for Starsite Hotel (B) The date of the gathering
(C) An address for Mr. Martinez (D) Ms. Chung's contact information

大家好 我是郭易老師的助教◎歡迎參觀訂閱老師的Yahoo Blog:)
◎師訓上百位教師(含北美籍暨長春藤Ivy League碩士群)
◎郭易滿分英文◎ http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/etjason-etjason
※ 編輯: pttEnglish 來自: (05/28 07:45)

Tags: 自學

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Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-05-27T16:38
我們是一群愛好美容保養的同好 由幾位業餘學習的、專業的美容老師、整體造型師組成 利用星期六下午3:00-4:30的時間 在公館捷運附近的丹堤咖啡(北市羅斯福路三段317號) 舉辦「美麗研究社」的活動 內容是關於保養、彩妝的部份 歡迎來當模特兒或觀摩、學習、討論 全程不收額外費用,以同好交流學習為 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2011-05-26T21:01
郭易滿分口說百題 免費下載 內容引用自: http://tinyurl.com/2vuj3v8 郭易滿分口說天書 GuoYi Perfect Speaking Skybook 【五大特色】 ◎上百題Independent Qs-Q ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2011-05-26T20:50
▄▅▆▁▂▂▂ ▇▄ 陽明大學心智哲學研究所 ▄▆ ▃ ◣▇ 自我意識國際工作坊 ▄▁ ◤ ▄ ◤ ▄▃ ...

國立成功大學 第一屆職涯教練計畫 活動公告

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-05-26T13:42
活動內容:CashFlow Game 現金流遊戲 時間:100/6/11(六) AM09:00~PM12:00 報名截止日期:100/6/3(五) 地點:三商美邦大樓10樓訓練教室 (台南市民族路二段100號10樓) 費用:100元 報名人數限制:20人 (本活 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2011-05-26T01:38
想請問一下,因個人生涯規劃的關係想要學習義大利語且到當地去上大學專攻家具設計, 不知道各位有什麼教材可以推薦,在網路上找的到的大多都缺貨了, 目前僅僅會打招呼的用語,想要學習,不太想花錢去上課,不過真的不行還是會去。 先謝謝各位了 - ...