0210 托福寫作&口說真題分享 - 英檢

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2018-02-27T10:33

Table of Contents

版友好,我是字神康康老師 :)


在這邊要祝大家備考順利!! 托福破百,留學圓夢!!

2018 / 02 / 10 托福口說獨立真題-Q1

To help first year students adapt to college life,
which of the following is the most helpful?

1. Having them live with sophomore roommates;
2. Giving them academic advising services; or
3. Arranging a campus orientation.

Use reasons and examples in your response.


1. 跟大二生當室友;
2. 給他們學業上的建議輔導;或
3. 安排校園介紹巡禮。

2018 / 02 / 10 托福口說獨立真題-Q2

Nowadays, governments are moving towards electronic payment like credit card.
Do you think electronic money will replace traditional cashand coin in the

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



2018 / 02 / 10 托福寫作獨立真題

Some young children (age 3~6) are starting school. Which of the following
actions do you think their parents should take to help these children
get ready for school?

1. Provide more books for chidren, especially those written for children;
2. Read aloud for children while children are reading; or
3. Have more conversations with children to help them practice speaking
to adults.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Be sure to use your own words. Do not use memorized examples.


1. 給小孩看更多書,特別是童書;
2. 小孩讀書時幫他們大聲唸出來;或
3. 多跟小孩對話,讓他們練習跟成年人講話。


中英文完整版+解題思路傳送門:http://bit.ly/2CISWPB (限於3/2前領取)

TOEFL學習團:http://bit.ly/29SZbaN (歡迎一起加入,收集最新情報!)

Tags: 英檢

All Comments

Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2018-02-28T03:27
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2018-02-28T12:00

五戰八炸心得分享-3 (FIB/DI/其他/心態)

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2018-02-25T23:39
這一系列分享的最後一篇 FIB-R/FIB-L: 在閱讀和聽力都有FIB,熟讀機經有很大的幫助,針對機經中標明的考點,我會以作題的方式來看機經的文章,想像這些空格尚未作答,檢討自己的答案是否和機經的答案一致。此外,特別注意文章中其他可能出題的地方,例如片語、慣用語、或是介系詞使用。在考試的時候,遇到拖詞式 ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2018-02-25T21:17
最近開始準備PTE 和雅思差好多整個好慌哈哈哈 然後上淘寶看看有沒有什麼資料可以買 (年紀大了,想說不要自己亂亂找) 結果看到這個賣家 (忘了說~~ 我沒有要替他打廣告的意思) 因為他有免費版跟VIP版 用了之後覺得免費版其實不錯用 可以練習,又有一直更新題庫 還可以替你評分看看你說的怎麼樣 又可以聽別 ...

自修半年71-> 95 ->106

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2018-02-25T17:39
因為朋友沒有ptt帳號 以下為代po: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 考托福就是沒在放棄的啦! 成績 2017/06/03 71 (R21 L16 S19 W15) 台大語言中心 ...

二戰 106 感謝字神(美國考場)

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2018-02-25T16:01
考生身份:學生 英文背景:學測14級分,Toeic 920 考試地點:一戰、二戰都在美國加州 考試成績:一戰 R27 L29 S23 W23 總分: 102 分 二戰 R29 L26 S23 W28 總分: 106 分 考試日期:2017/07/29、2017/08/26 備考教材:TPO ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2018-02-25T13:36
[評議] 1. 考場代碼:第5試場 2. 考場名稱:國立臺灣師範大學 3. 考場交通:方便 4. 隔音效果:ok 5. 硬體設備:ok 6. 人員服務:2人監考 7. 考場大約人數 / 座位:47人 8. 綜合評價: 各位大大午 ...